Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1418: : I can help you

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"I'm also forced. My identity may be inconvenient to appear in the daytime. In view of the fact that the breath at night is easy to cover up, so I can only do this. Hello, my name is Tian Yao, from Heaven, not a demon, not a demon, not a ghost. ."

Hua Sheng walked slowly, and saw the man's appearance clearly by the moonlight.

I also felt that he had goodwill all over his body, and he didn't have any bad thoughts about himself.

So for a while, he let go of his guard, "Mortal, Huasheng."

"You are too humble, how can you be a mortal? You are the only one who can use the nine-day torch."

As the man turned on the white feather fan, the white fan seemed to have vitality, flashing a white light in the night.

"I don't understand what you are talking about."

Hua Sheng will not admit that he will be the nine-day torch, nor will he admit that he is a descendant of the nine-day mysterious lady. Both Bairan and Mingyan had told her that this information would be very dangerous for her once exposed. The people on the throne of Jiuzhong Heaven were the most feared members of the Jiutian Xuannv family, because the power was too strong and they were afraid of shaking Their imperial power would not allow such a woman to exist.

In other words, Heavenly Emperor had a killing heart for Huasheng. If it were not for the protection of Dark Flame and White Dye, I am afraid that it would have become the target of the Heavenly Soldier’s pursuit, but these things, Huasheng did not know too much. .

Now strangers in front of him come and ask themselves, Hua Sheng will definitely not tell the truth.

Seeing her reluctance to speak, Tian Yao was not reluctant to sit on the sofa in the living room.

"Do you like Liuyun Country, or do you like it here?" he asked, seemingly Yun Danfeng.

But Huasheng was extremely nervous. How did he feel that he knew so much insider? He knew everything about Huasheng's reincarnation in the Liuyun Kingdom.

"You don't want that expression, I just said, I'm from heaven, I'm a fairy. If you don't know this as a fairy, what are you mixing? So it's not surprising to know about your reincarnation, I'm pure Simply ask, you don’t have to answer."

Tian Yao found that Hua Sheng was very nervous, so he quickly explained a few words.

Hua Sheng said nothing in silence for a long while before speaking, "I like it more here."

"Because of the river?" he asked.

"Yes, because of the river."

"Have you seen the moon?"

Hua Sheng did not answer...

"You can rest assured that the moon-cutting is our enemy. We are happy that he is in trouble. As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. So we are destined to be friends. Are you right, Huasheng?"

"I don’t want to be involved in disputes too much, you are a god, I am a mortal... For me, I just want to live a life indifferent, and it’s enough to be with my beloved man, so no matter what you have Mind thinking, I won't help you achieve it, if it's okay, please go back."

Hua Sheng has always been resistant to strangers, even if this person is not hostile to her, she can not accept it.

So I didn't plan to talk too much nonsense, just go downstairs and go upstairs.

"Huasheng, I can help you change your body."

Hua Sheng paused and didn't look back. "My cotton now works very well and I don't need your care."

"But your body can't be used for a long time, the touch and texture are inferior, and it must be changed every three days, which is very troublesome. The main thing is that you can't have a heir with your beloved man. I have 100,000 years in my hands. Beihan Bingyu, I can send you to make you as a body, not only can make you look old, but also cure your cold disease, the most important thing can be like a real body, and can give birth to a river. ."

To be honest, at that moment, Hua Sheng was moved...

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