Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1438: : Guardian Madman

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"Oh, someone's heart... this is being attacked by someone, can't anyone sit still?"

Bairan, who has a low-mouthed mouth, just ridicules these words at this time, but it's cheap to sneak a peek at the nearby Pluto.

The Eighth Royal Highness listened clearly, but pretended not to know and did not answer the call.

Pluto is too lazy to deal with white dye, just like not hearing it, what is it that the Dragon King's family attacked Huasheng? Do you need to worry?

He knows the strength of Huasheng, not to mention that a Nanhai Dragon King family even if four old dragon kings are here, then it cannot be Huasheng's opponent.

At this time, Huasheng's seven-color satin Ling suddenly flew out of the cuff, and directly tied the younger sister Dragon to Wuhuada behind him.

Where can her red tassel come in handy?

"What the **** is this, it's really suffocating, I'm so mad, get away..." Sister Long used the power of nine cows and two tigers, but failed to break away from this seemingly ordinary ribbon.

It was the princess Dragon's frontal blow that made Huasheng head up.

Huasheng has always disliked the use of weapons, because in general fire is used.

So when everyone saw that she did not know when she had a long whip, she was surprised.

"When did Asheng have a whip? That's what you did?"

Jiang Liu also met for the first time, so she was very curious and asked the wind while watching.

Feng Xi was holding a tea cup in his hand and was drinking tea vigorously, but he looked carefully. "Hey, your wife is so powerful. You don't know much. I don't have this skill to help your wife make weapons. Look carefully. What is that long whip made of?"

Feng Xi reminded me that the rivers looked more carefully.

He narrowed his eyes and stared hard at the image of the long whip.

Princess Dragon's weapons are obviously better, and they look murderous.

But when really fighting with Hua Sheng, it seems particularly difficult.

The long whip in Hua Sheng's hand was orange-yellow, and the bright ones flashed into the eyes.

And the whip is very long, and soon, everywhere you go.

The long whip did not fly in the air like a spirit snake, which made the old dragon princess really a little overwhelmed.

Seeing her mother fall into the downwind, Ao Qing, who had been prototyped before and rescued by her father, also rushed up.

Hua Sheng's one-to-three did not suffer any loss.

"Is this really a mortal? It's unlikely?"

"How could it be a mortal? This posture is not like it, and you don't look at it with the eyes of the sky? This woman's body is made of cotton, won't it become cotton fine?"

"Nonsense, where is this cotton into fineness? This woman's body clearly has the taste of mortals. With many years of experience in this Daxian, I guess this woman's soul is very powerful, just because there is something wrong with the body, use cotton Instead, but it can still be so powerful, which shows that even a mortal will not be an ordinary mortal. Don’t forget, how crazy is the white dyed adult in the Three Realms and Six Dao? He banqueted the mortals that guests can call, how? Will it be a stupid person? You wait and see, it's not good, the Nanhai Dragon King's family will be folded here today."

The wind looked at Hua Sheng's enthusiasm and shook his head helplessly, "A Sheng is fighting to protect her husband? Isn't it true that I don't want to be a qualified wife, and I serve A Sheng. Whether it is Hua Feng, Hua Zhi, Hua Lin, it is not as good as our Asheng Huihu."

"Are you running against me?" Jiang Liu smiled dumbly.

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