Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1440: : That mortal

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

The Nanhai Dragon King's family, all four could not afford to fall to the ground, all in a state of embarrassment.

The long whip in Hua Sheng's hands did not know when it had turned into a blue.

The fire of the sea soul? He thought to himself, but didn't say it.

"If you don't accept it, you can fight again, but I warn you that the swords and guns are blind, and if you die, you are not responsible." Hua Sheng also said arrogantly and arrogantly. The fairy monsters of the Three Realms and Six Dao haven't seen them for many years. Such an unprecedented woman.

Bairan got up excitedly and gave a thumbs-up, shouting: really cool.

This is simply the scene of scum abuse. The flames in both hands are useless at all. Just a long whip virtualized with flames, this family of four beaten to find teeth.

Huasheng didn't need to use the nine-day torch, and the family of the Dragon King of Nanhai was already miserable.

When the old dragon king was unconvinced and stood up and wanted to continue fighting, His Royal Highness stood up and waved his cuffs, "Enough is enough."

"Your Highness..."

"You also know that I am the eighth prince, representing our heavenly family, as well as my father, empress and mother. They are the lords of the heavens, and they should be in charge of the six realms of the Three Realms. The mortals are also in the Three Realms and the Sixth Dao. Our gods discriminated. Just now your Highness had investigated during your battle, and this matter itself was aggressive by your son, Ao Qing. Bullying mortals, dare to continue to investigate?"

"His Royal Highness said that the husband must discipline his son when he returns home."

"Well, a few of you go back first. In order to avoid disappointing everyone, it is better to retreat. After all, today is Uncle Bairan's happy event, so it is not good for the scene to be embarrassing."

"His Royal Highness is saying, then... the old man retires first."

In the end it was His Eighth Highness who came forward to stop the fighting.

This is a trivial matter, and Huasheng will not pursue anything.

In the final analysis, it's all for Bairan's face, so after the Dragon King's family in Nanhai retreated, they were still singing and dancing at the banquet.

Hua Sheng sat next to Jiangliu, just as calmly as she was just fighting.

"Ms. Jiang has worked hard. Come, please drink tea."

Hua Sheng smiled and deliberately ridiculed, "It is my duty and responsibility to protect Mr. Jiang without hard work.

"Can you two not to abuse my single dog, I am already pitiful enough."

The wind is so dissatisfied with it. I hate the two people to spread dog food. Since I first knew it a few years ago, it has not been sprinkled so far. I can only say that the two people’s stock of dog food is enough. It’s enough, so much can’t be scattered.

Hua Sheng was in a good mood and deliberately teased, "It's easy to solve this matter. You look at the fairies on the road. Are you fancy? Do you think there are twenty-four stars and various embellishments. There are also several disciples of Taoism, who are also blue. If you like high-value ones, pick them among the white-stained tribes, and the boys of the Fox tribe are also stunning. If you like the cold, In the underworld of Lord Pluto, the temperament absolutely meets your requirements. And...if you feel that your identity is not enough, you will go to the emperor of the heavenly emperor to pick up. Look at the Eight Royal Highnesses coming today..."

"You stop me, A Sheng, haven't you said so much in your life, this is a ridicule I am addicted? Bullying people don't take this kind of thing, you don't have a good thing in both breaths, hum, I'm going I played with Mr. Bairan."

The wind turned his head sullenly and got up with a glass to find Bairan.

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