Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1450: : Stand by

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hearing Bairan's call to slash the moon, the black shadow launched another attack. The strange thing was that he didn't need to move at all.

As long as the nine shadows move slightly, those dark shadows of ghosts launch a crazy attack on the white dye like a demon.

Heaven, ninth heaven

"Emperor, please come and save my people quickly? The monsters and monsters who don't know where they came from late at night suddenly launched an attack on our fox clan. Because we didn't prepare in advance, we suffered heavy casualties."

"What about white dye?"

"In order to prevent our clan from being implicated, our patriarch has shielded us and arranged for us to form a boundary, but this time the enemy is very small. Several elders in our clan consulted and suspected that they are people of the devil, Therefore, I also ask Heavenly Emperor to send out Tianbing and Tianjiang to help our patriarch get through the difficulties."

"You come to ask for help, does this mean Bairan?" The old man, Emperor Tiandi, seemed to be unhurried, struggling with his beard, and sitting in a state of unrest.

The messenger of the fox clan was crying, and he pressed his hands, "Master Tiandi, our patriarch is still fighting against those monsters. Our patriarch alone is against the thousands of horses, even if he is even more powerful, he is too fierce. , And also asked Lord Tiandi to send troops to help quickly."

"Okay, I know, you can step back."


"I have my own decision, you can go."

In a word, the fox clan was sent to the helpless people, and then the Emperor Tian and a few trusted ministers began a discussion.

"How do some Ai Qing think?"

"Emperor, Bai Ran, who has a little blood of the Nine Heavens Maiden by virtue of herself, has always been arrogant, even if it is not very respectful to you and the Queen Mother, I think it is better to frustrate him this time. Aura?"

"Well, it makes sense. What do the other Aiqings mean?"

"Heaven Emperor, Weichen thinks he still needs help. Although it is a matter of the Fox race, in the early years of the war between the gods and the demon, the demon world had already formed an alliance with our heavenly realm. In the war of gods and demons many years ago, there was no credit or hard work. If you don’t go to rescue this time, I am afraid that it is chilling. What do other demon tribes think?"

Heavenly Emperor is silent...

In fact, the minister’s words were also very reasonable. Unexpectedly, some people jumped out and opposed, "I object. The demon clan was originally below us. To put it bluntly is our captive. How can we be led by their noses, white dyed These years have been arrogant enough, haven't you relied on the blood of the heavens? I think if this white dye is over, the other demon clan will never dare to make it again.

"Well, there are some truths." No matter which minister Tian Tian spoke, he nodded his head to make sense.

But the real deep thoughts, I am afraid that only you know.

Among the several ministers, one was the elder of Tianji Pavilion. Although he was a close believer of Emperor Tian, ​​he was also a friend of Bairan.

He didn't say a word in the whole process, but he can see that the Emperor said that these useless nonsense is just to delay the time.

Once the best time is missed, when you send troops to save people, you will have a good reputation, and you will not really help Bai Ran out of trouble. It is not the emperor's family that has the deep intentions.

To put it bluntly, Heavenly Emperor just wanted to stand idly by.

At this moment, Bairan had already killed her red eyes, and it was almost a **** battle.

It is embarrassing that these monsters, ghost shadows, seem to kill, they are all endless, endless, but white dye but limited energy... Soon they will be physically weak.

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