Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1452: : Everyone is in danger

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Why do you kneel and get up to talk? I don't like people kneeling." The old lady's eyes were chilling when she smiled.

"Adult, who the **** is this? Isn't it amazing?"

The miserable behind him was also ignorant, muttering in a low voice.

Ming Yan glanced at the old lady and suddenly thought of someone.

"I should know who she is..." Ming Yan wanted to calm her mind, as long as you think about these factors in front of her, it is not difficult to guess.

"Oh? Then Pluto talked about, who is he?"

The old lady was very curious, but Pluto had never met her, but she knew her? She believed that Meng Meng would not tell anyone about what she taught her.

The point is that Meng Po doesn’t know where she is. I only know that this mysterious master is very powerful.

That amazing strength is not comparable to that of ordinary fairies, so Meng Po is afraid, because she also knows that this master is not a good person. You only need to look at the breath that comes out of her. An energy that even the ghosts of the underworld fear.

Looking at the tens of millions of boys and girls behind her, it's almost a mouthful of soul. Who wouldn't be afraid of this evil power?

Pluto stared at the old lady for a long time before slowly speaking, "If this seat is right, you are from the devil..."

"Continue." The old lady smiled and seemed to be in a good mood.

Pluto continued, "It is rumored that there are nine dark guards next to His Majesty Demon II, each of which is a top expert. Even if they are fighting alone, there are not many opponents in the entire heaven. They have listened to the nine magical protections. The vastness and unique skills, so he was valued by His Royal Highness II, this seat is not talented, a while ago, I had just fought with the Dark Devil Spider, and it was indeed a difficult woman. This seat also heard that the nine major protectors around His Highness II are three Heavenly Demon, Three Earth Demons, Three Ghosts. Now that the predecessors look like this, you are the courageous guess that you are one of the Nine Dark Guards, one of the devil's guardians."

"Hahahaha, no one knows the identity of the old man for thousands of years. Good boy, you have a vision."

After Pluto guessed the enemy's identity, the mother-in-law was very happy and laughed with her cane.

This smile didn't matter, but it made the original calm water in the Forget River suddenly set off a huge wave, as if it could eat people at any time.

"Master, you are..." Meng Po was also dumbfounded at this time, not knowing how to describe her mood at all.

"It seems you don't know." Hades glanced at Meng Po with sympathy.

As soon as she revealed the identity of the other party, Ms. Meng was blinded. It seems that she really did not know, but... this old lady is not good, I am afraid it will inevitably set off a **** storm.

"Master Pluto, what shall we do next?"

"Arrangement, Hundred ghosts formation."

Pluto is still in danger, even if he knows that the person may be stronger than his own strength, he is still planning to support it.

However, in this case, you can’t go to Bairan’s side. “What’s the matter with the fox? Doesn’t Heaven have any reinforcements?”

Pluto turned back and asked a puppet behind him, frowning.

"If I go back to adults, I haven't yet... I'm afraid that Bairan's side is also hard to support... Devil Realm has come too many people this time...Isn't it good to fulfill the peace treaty after the war between God and Demon? Didn’t you come out? Why did you run out so much at once?"

This reason, apart from a few parties, I am afraid that others really do not know.

This is why Heavenly Emperor refused to send troops.

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