Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1469: : She actually came

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

In fact, Hua Sheng is right. The Underworld takes the Wangchuan River as the territorial boundary, and the Wangchuan River is the real underworld territory.

It is not based on the entrance, so Ming Yan will stay on the bank of Wangchuan River. After Hua Sheng finished this sentence, Ming Yan only felt that the girl in front of him was very powerful, even his heart that had been calm for thousands of years. Both of these words ignited her fighting spirit and war, and he really wanted to experience a battle like that.

"It's easy to say, do you think you will beat me?"

The old lady sneered, drinking water across the black yoyo, and looking at Huasheng with a cold eye.

Hua Sheng was neither humble nor overactive, raised his chin, "Then do you think that you can win the nine-day torch?"

"I can't cope with the nine-day holy flame, but... don't forget, you leave the human world, your man who is regarded as a treasure..."

Ming Yan's face suddenly darkened, "Her mother-in-law, anyway, you are also a demon protector. How can you bully a mortal who has no power to restrain chickens?"

The old lady smiled haha, "Huh... Look, I mentioned that mortal man, his wife hasn't responded. You, a Lord of the Underworld, can't sit still, Ming Yan, your kid is very interesting. Just dare to admit it, and protect her husband... The old body can only admire the last sentence... These three realms and six ways, you Hades are really an infatuated kind."

"Ravage." The old lady broke her mind, and Ming Yan became angry for the first time.

That attitude was also unprecedentedly serious. He was indeed exposed for the first time by such a disregard for his face, front of Hua Sheng.

Hua Sheng didn't have any special reaction. Her focus was not here at all. She glanced at the old lady, "Okay. Then you try it yourself... If you dare to move my husband's hair... I will go Cut off the heart that cuts the moon... Let's compare and see, who can laugh to the end?"

Perhaps it was unexpected that Hua Sheng suddenly became cruel, and the old lady put her smile away and stared at Hua Sheng. "Thanks to our highness that you are so infatuated with you, your woman was really ungrateful... At that time, the heavens could not allow you. Kill you... in the end, our demon world took you in. It’s okay if you confuse our Second Highness with beautiful colors, but in the end... you have to betray... Now it’s even more of such rebellious words... you dare to move my heart , Huasheng, my wife is desperate to fight for her life, and it will also make you and all the people you know humiliated."

"Oh, then you have to give it a try."

Hua Sheng was ready to fight when he came, so he did not plan to talk nonsense with the old lady.

Taking advantage of Mingyan's recovery, Huasheng flew directly into the air and released a ring of fire. It was a ring of fire made with the nine-day torch. The old lady's tens of thousands of black crows were burned and fled everywhere. That kind of momentum to destroy the underworld.

"Master Pluto, girl Huasheng is so powerful." A princess sent a voice not far behind Pluto.

But Pluto has always been dignified, he suddenly thought of a problem.

Demon Realm is forcing A Sheng to use the Nine Heavens Flame, is it... wanting her to attract the attention and dissatisfaction of Heaven Realm? Use Emperor Tian to destroy Huasheng?

If this is the case, it is definitely not a good thing.

Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng, Hua Sheng's light is already too strong, it seems that he will soon surpass the family of the Emperor, no, it should be said that they have threatened their family.

At this moment

Fox family...

The black shadow, like a nine-headed cat, couldn't be beaten any way, and the white dyeing didn't hurt much, but the energy was a bit unsustainable, but the countless ghost things were still rushing forward and going forward, so go on, he will sooner or later Exhausted.

In a trance, he saw a familiar figure running towards him...

Is that... Allure?

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