Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1474: : Fusion Skill

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

To be honest, Hua Sheng said that he did not worry about being fake, and it was already a headache for a mother-in-law to rush.

There are four such opponents. How do you deal with a river of ordinary people?

But now she can't go, and walking is also a fortune, if you go, Pluto and Underworld...may still be in crisis.

When she left Shilichunfeng, she did make all preparations, but whether those enchantments could be cracked or not, she also had no idea.

Whether Xiaohei can protect the river is also an unsolved mystery.

Fox family

The two heirs of the Black Shadow and the Feng Family wrestled together, but it gave Bairan a chance to breathe.

The little man behind him quickly handed over the holy water, "Patriarch, please take a sip and rest."

"What did the old man say?"

"Hui Patriarch's words, Heaven Emperor said that he would send someone to rescue us, let us wait patiently."

In fact, when saying these things, Xiao Zuo is lack of confidence. This is obviously a lie to deceive a three-year-old child. Waiting for a hair, are they waiting for them to collect the body?

Bairan calmly drank the water and closed a pair of eye-catching eyes. This beautiful man seemed to be thinking about something in his heart.

After drinking the water, he gently placed the glass cup on the bluestone beside him and said, "Well, wait patiently, I will wait for your mother and wait for them to come. ?"

"The fox tribe is angry."

"What kind of anger, Lao Tzu will be angry, this dead old man, good... good, good... This is because his wings are hard, his own sons, his wife, his relatives, he will not treat our fox tribe What's the matter? Had he regretted that day...If Devil Realm breaks through the Nineth Heaven, I won't help him... There will be reincarnation in heaven, who will my Nine Heavens Maiden bypass?"

After finishing, Bairan got up and slapped the floating dust on her body, "Go, get my armor."

"Okay, please wait."

After a while, Xiao Zuo brought the white-dyed flame armor... In fact, Jiutian Niang was good at using fire, and most of her descendants were very sensitive to fire and good at controlling the flame.

The white dyed flame armor, which has not been out for a long time, suddenly came up, but it made him full of energy.

Therefore, when the white fox with the inferior face value, wearing the flame armor and holding the flame fan, the picture is very amazing.

"Wow, the white fox is so handsome." The wind couldn't help feeling.

Feng Qingcheng glanced coldly and said, "A fox that has been flamboyant for tens of thousands of years, what is commendable, is you still young and short-sighted?"

"Uh..." Feng Xi's face was embarrassed, but he didn't dare to return to his ancestor.

The Black Shadow Nine-headed Monster is actually not easy to deal with. They both fought over a hundred strokes, and Fengxi and Fengqingcheng did not please a little cheaply... The two of them are already physically weak, but the monster seems to be full of blood, this It's the most terrible place, it won't necessarily hurt you, but it will consume your spiritual and physical strength.



"Will the Feng family melt soul skills?" Feng Qingcheng asked softly.

"What's that?" The wind froze.

Feng Qingcheng's face was black, "Forget it, I didn't say it."

"My ancestor, I have a brilliant mind and learn things quickly. It is not as good as you taught me. I will learn quickly."

Feng Qingcheng: ...

"Ancestor, I really don’t lie to you. My grandfather said that our Feng Family is actually very powerful. But it’s just because a few ancestors had a civil war in the middle, and those babies were lost. I didn’t learn any fur, but old Zu, if you are sincere in pointing, I will definitely not give you a disgrace." The first time Feng Xi pleased his ancestor this way, it was nothing more than trying to learn awesome skills.

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