Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1478: : Can't move

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

If you didn’t see it with your own eyes, you can’t believe it, a black cat would directly slap three dragons.

The three lizards are also medium-level in the Nine Guardians, and are the same level as Starscream and Wanjia Hedgehog.

Under them, the urging mother-in-law, the death skeleton and the ghoul sprite are all at the first level.

In other words, the monitor lizard that Xiaohei went back to was above the level of urging mother-in-law and ghouls.

The ghouls and mother-in-law are the people who besieged the underworld and the fox family...

So the conclusion is that this black cat's strength may be... above Pluto and White Dye.

At the thought of these, all four of them were sweating coldly.

The four people fell silent in silence.

The monitor lizard murmured to himself, and some unbelievable said, "Did you see it just now? Am I blinded? Or did I have any hallucinations? The cat, the little black cat next to the Muggle, it ... shot?"

"Yes, that's the black cat." The skeleton added.

"Sister Spider, did you see that too?" The monitor lizard couldn't believe it, confirmed again.

Starscream nodded, "It's his cat, that's right, now I finally understand the purpose of the elder brother... Although this river is a mortal, but this cat... is indeed very promising, no wonder Red Master will go directly In the underworld, leaving her husband alone, it seems... this is a trap in itself."

Wanjia Hedgehog walked forward slowly, glanced at the river, and then at the cat.

"So what do we do now, do we catch that mortal directly, or do we even catch it with cats?" This sentence is embarrassing, actually.

After eating the deflated, the three monitor lizards were very shameless. They immediately got up on the ground and patted the ash on their bodies. "But you can grab them all back. The question is... do you really think you can grab the cat back? You? I didn't see it, just a light shot just now, did I block it?"

"Or? I'll try it?" Wanjia Hedgehog shrugged his shoulders, a little mean to show his fists.

Jiang Liu smiled, squatted down, and touched Xiao Hei's head. "Boy, I did a good job just now. It seems that Mrs. Jiang and I didn't hurt you too much."

Xiaohei had an arrogant face, lowered her head and didn't take advantage of the river, just licking her paws, just like all cats, carelessly licking her cats paws.

Starscream took the opportunity to launch a spider web, and a white net went directly towards the river.

Jiangliu is not a fool. The response is extremely fast, and naturally he flees, and he avoids.

But the spider web was just like the vitality. Seeing the river flow away, it attacked again.

Just like pressing the tracker, the river is always captured.

Spider-girls are also simple and rude, as long as you catch the river and take it away, this cat... is still less annoying.

So she secretly added spiritual power to the spider web, and the speed and resilience of the spider web were more than ten times stronger than before.

"Huh, a group of shameless things, grabbing a mortal, and dispatching four guardians. If this word spreads, don't you get mixed up in the future?"

"Who? Who's talking?" The monitor lizard stunned, his face also smelly.

Starscream didn't dare to act rashly, taking advantage of her distracted effort, Jiang Liu will carry the dagger with him, and then stroke it so hard.

The tenacious spider web was actually split in half by him.

On this dagger, there is the five-color powder that Hua Sheng gave before leaving.

Five-color powder, exclusive for exorcism, as long as it is stained with magic, all are easy to use.

The five-color powder is no longer in today's society. However, Liuyun owns the state, so Huasheng has it.

Fearing that the Devil Realm is looking for trouble, Huasheng left five-color powder. Although he did not explain it carefully, the river flow was still used like a flowing cloud, which was very impressive.

"This Muggle is really not easy..." Wanjia Hedgehog lengthened his voice and sighed.

The four fell into silence together.

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