Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1480: : I am superfluous

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Xiao Hei, a cat so calm, is going to be crazy by Jiang Liu at this time.

The terrible one master and one servant were talking here, and the four people dared not move.

Xiaohei is right, what are the Nine Magical Protections of the Devil Realm, and what gods and demons kill countless times during the war, it seems to be false, even more so than the white dyed kidney...

Bairan: You fight, care about my hair?

On the other hand, the Fox family is also wonderful

The black-headed nine-headed monster, after being transformed, was incapable of dealing with the second daughter of Fengjia after the soul was melted.

It stands to reason that if Bairan goes up again at this time, the battle will be ended directly.

But he didn't, why?

In fact, what the outsiders saw was that Bairan was besieged by a demon protector, or a low-level protector of ghosts and three demons.

Pluto is bullied by an old lady with three ghosts and three demons. Does this seem very right?

Doesn't it mean that the deity of the gods in the heavens has no cards in the devil world, and there is no absolute strength?

But is this really the case?

In fact, otherwise, Bairan and Pluto are rare gods with absolute strength in the heavenly realm.

In the final analysis, it's just to avoid its sharp edge. In the end, I don't want to be used as a gun by the Emperor of Heaven.

After all, the more powerful you are, the more troublesome you will be.

Therefore, these two old guys also pretended not to do anything.

Hidden his own strength, otherwise the true strength of the two of them, let alone a ghost and three demons, even if the devil comes, it is not necessarily an opponent.

Don't forget, at that time, Hua Sheng, Bairan, Mingyan, and three people singled out and cut the moon together.

How can such a person be a general person?

It's just that there are too many involved, not only the Three Realms and Six Dao, but also Huasheng and Jiangliu, as well as... Tiandi and his sons.

Fox family

Bairan held a glass of wine and leaned on a large stone, watching Feng Xi and Feng Qingcheng from the initial situation to the end of the crisis.

In addition, they have won a great victory, and the mobs that have been brought have been killed by white dye.

The nine-headed black shadow monster was also choked by the four flags of Feng Qingcheng. Finally, when two Fengjia women and two patron saints released a big move together, the nine-headed black shadow escaped.

It was also the first time Bairan watched the two use it together, to be precise, it was the first time Feng Xi used it.

That's the treasure of the Feng Family's Zhenshan Mountain-Megatron Nine Heavens. With one release, it can lead to ninety-nine days of thunder, all of which are hacked on the opponent's body. At the same time... the two guardians can also be released Absolutely fatal blow, under this kind of attack, not many people resisted.

If the man didn't run, he would die in a lifetime.

So, in the end, the Feng family won.

The four flags returned to the back of Feng Qingcheng, and at that moment, the woman was heroic.

Bairan was holding a wine glass, and fart ran past fart, "Allure, congratulations on your victory, come, I respect you for this cup."

"No." Feng Qingcheng glanced at Bairan, his attitude was still cold.

Bai Ran came up with a more funny expression, "What's the matter? I'm on a mount today, I'm afraid of checking drunk driving? No problem... I am familiar with the tolerance of checking the drunk driving in Tianjie, just say hello, don't be afraid. ."

Feng Qingcheng: ...

"Hahaha, uncle Bairan, you're so funny. You can say the drunk driving too. Are you a human being here?" The wind stooped and smiled.

In fact, Bairan is very pleased, but I don't know why, Feng Qingcheng's ancestor just didn't give him a good face.

There seems to be a story between them.

"What a smile, you extra light bulb, go and go, I and Qingcheng want to talk alone."

"Xiao, you are killing the donkey, do you have a conscience, but I'm here to help you?" Feng Xi looked wrong.

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