Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1496: : Current affairs make people

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Hua Sheng originally thought that after Xie Dongyang lost his father and brother, he would be in a downturn for a while.

Who knows, this is less than a month, and it has already begun to cover up the group's picture drastically, which is also very fast.

Xie Dongyang is now over thirty years old, and he is considered the most prominent diamond king in the city. Heard that many celebrities in the circle and actresses are interested in telling stories to him.

But Hua Sheng hasn't seen him for a long time. Before that, there were Xiaobai and two kittens. Huasheng could take Xiaohe to see when he was free.

Nowadays, Huasheng has experienced parting with the river several times, and his heart is haggard, and he is also not thinking about other things.

"Xie Dongyang is actually... quite pitiful." Hua Zhi sighed slightly.

"Are you still Xie Dongyang Group's shareholders?" Feng Xi curiously looked at Hua Zhi.

"Yeah, why am I not? When I first bought shares, he was in crisis. At that time, Xie Dongyang promised that I must be the second largest shareholder except him, but I only invested in Dongyang Pharmaceutical That was Xie Dongyang’s own business. Now I don’t intervene in the Xie family’s group, and I can’t intervene that long. After all...I am now the Wang family, and the Wang family and the Xie family are in the same family, although they are related. It’s always been good, but there is also a healthy competitive relationship."

"Ah, it's the same reason, I just don't understand business matters." The wind was depressed.

"Hah, you can just kill the monsters and get rid of the devil. Why do you do business?" Hua Zhi laughed at her.

The wind is still energized, and he retorts his neck, "This is wrong, A Sheng will also be able to cut off demons and demons, but she is also very good at doing business. She may not have more property under the name than the river. , I can’t learn it in my life. I’m so brains that I can only concentrate on one thing."

Hua Sheng smiled, holding the little black in his arms, and his eyes were gentle.

"Fame, fame and fortune are all things outside the body. Everyone is loess in a hundred years, why should we be persistent?"

"This is wrong. We may be a piece of loess after a hundred years, but you are not." Feng Xi knew that Hua Sheng was not a mortal body at all, and it might never be immortal, but after she said so, she regretted and felt The situation is not right.

Indeed, the occasion is not right, the good thing is that Ping smart gave the round, "Is that woman named Ni Wenwen still around Xie Dongyang?"

"Yes, Ni Wenwen is now a big man, and he is a member of the board of directors in the Xiejia Group. In addition, Xie Dongyang's sister-in-law Feng Yu and sister Xie Dongyao are members of the board of directors."

"That said, Ni Wenwen is good. In the end, he didn't fall out of favor, so why not stay with Xie Dongyang? Weird... That woman is very good." Feng Xi also broke her heart, always thinking that Ni Wenwen and Xie Dongyang were It matches well.

Hua Zhi shook his head, "It's impossible, Ni Wenwen has a man himself, and everyone is planning to get married. If Xie Dongyang and her can have anything, it will already be there. It won't be the same in two or three years. In Xie Dongyang's life... I'm afraid it's...I'm going to hit the baton?

After Hua Zhi finished speaking, he couldn't help but look at Hua Sheng, in fact, everyone understood.

Even if Hua Zhi didn't say, everyone knew that Xie Dongyang liked Hua Sheng's love, or he wouldn't have returned after Hua Sheng. On Hua Sheng's birthday, Xie Dongyang courted on the spot. It is also a thing that has no way out.

"What are you talking about, why didn't you speak? Is it cold?" Qin Wanyu walked over with the fruit tray, watching a few women's relatives were silent, and asked somehow.

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