Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1503: : The truth that day

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

The wind didn't want to cry. The north wind made my cheeks hurt, but Qin Wanyu said these words, she was not immovable, and her heart was not made of stone.

Having said all that, what else can I say?

No matter what I say, it seems that Qin Wanyu’s determination cannot be shaken.

The snow is getting bigger and bigger, the wind won't go, Qin Wanyu won't go, just stay here.

In the end, the meal was good, and Gao He called the two people to go back together.

It's rare to have so many meals together. Although the weather is bad, everyone's mood is good.

Jiangliu sat beside Huasheng, pouring water into Jiacai and asking for warmth.

Then everyone followed suit, and occasionally ridiculed a few words.

The meal lasted until four o'clock in the afternoon, and the snow finally stopped.

As soon as the sky got dark, everyone's team rushed back to Jiangcheng in a mighty way. After all, they were not idlers, and all had jobs.

When I returned to Shilichunfeng, Gingko still refused to leave, saying that he was going to cook Huasheng ginseng soup.

Koga is also thick-skinned, seeing that Ginkgo will not leave, and simply stayed still, Hua Sheng just smiled regardless of their quarrel.

Jiang Liu went out for a day, and at night he had accumulated a lot of things. He entered the study room to start a remote video conference.

During this period, Hua Sheng also entered the door to fill in tea once, and watched the river flow take off, so he did not disturb.

Piano room on the top floor

Hua Sheng sat in front of Guzheng and slowly wiped the strings. He hadn't moved for a long time, but he really liked them.


Xiao Hei didn't know when he ran back. He walked over directly. The pace was very convenient. He quickly approached Hua Sheng and then laid down lazily.

"You're back?"


"Xiaohei, I know you can speak. When Jiangliu first told me, I knew it. Later... The fourth sister also heard it once, why don't you talk to me?"

Hua Sheng gently stroked Xiao Hei's back and asked softly.

For a while, Xiaohei suddenly said, "I just... want to wait for the master to awaken."

Hua Sheng was shocked, Xiao Hei spoke, and what did she say to wait for her to awaken?

"Little Black..."

"Master, don't worry, come one by one, how can I tell you, I think I am born to be your spiritual pet, but I have forgotten many things, many things are recalled with a little effort. I If you don’t speak, you just want to wait for the master to remember everything. Now it seems...the master can’t remember everything."

"Yes, I have forgotten a lot of things, including those in the country of Liuyun. If people from the Devil Realm did not appear, and they would not cut the moon, I would not remember..."

"It doesn't matter, then think slowly, one day sooner or later, you will become you."

Xiaohei's voice is mature, not like a little milk cat at all.

Also, at the age of Xiaohei, maybe he is older than Huasheng. Before he became an adult, Xiaohei had been with her.

At that time, the old lady of the Hua family was still alive, and like the ordinary cat, Xiaohe likes to run around.

Only later...

"Xiaohei, what happened that day?"

"The master asked, but the four magicians of the demon world to catch the male master, that day?"


"I started with one of them and hurt the huge lizard."

"You have no problem dealing with one, but you can deal with four with your own strength. That seems unlikely..." Hua Sheng has always expressed incredible things about this matter. Everyone thinks Xiao Hei is powerful, but Hua Sheng knows, Xiaohei is so powerful that he can't be the opponent of the four law protectors.

"Master, I tell you, you might not believe it."

Xiao Hei crouched in front of Hua Sheng, with a pair of dark eyes staring directly at Hua Sheng.

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