Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1510: :what would you like

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Lin Mengmeng closed his eyes for a long time, but the tenderness waiting for her has not fallen yet...

She opened her eyes and froze for a moment, and found that Xie Dongyang was looking at herself, but she was farther away than she had to kiss.

"Why...why are you looking at me like this?"

"You are like a friend of mine."

"Oh? Girlfriend?"

"Why don't you pretend that Jiangli and I knew about the troubles in that year? You are a native of Jiangcheng. How come you don't know? Women are sometimes a little scared, but they are not deliberately stupid."

"Mr. Xie was wrong. I haven't had a facelift. I didn't deliberately follow your friend."

"You don't adjust, you just look alike, but... you came close to me on purpose, what do you want?"

"Of course money and status, what else can there be?"

Lin Mengmeng saw that since Xie Dongyang said it was broken, it would be boring to pretend, it would only be counterproductive.

She had been waiting for this day since she knew she was a bit like that woman's charm.

Originally, she preferred the river, but there was no chance over the river.

Even a woman as good as her ex-girlfriend Zhuoya has no chance of winning, let alone a struggling influencer?

Lin Mengmeng's family is very ordinary, her parents are ordinary workers, she has drawn some connections for herself in these years.

Then with his mind and team, he pushed himself to become a first-line Internet celebrity.

That is, those intimate sisters in the mouth of housewives, teacher Mengmeng, can guide their marriage and future.

But the Lin Mengmeng behind, but just an ordinary person, is also greedy for money and power, and more valued.

And at the same time, her ambitions are not small. She is close to Xie Dongyang, hoping to take the opportunity to hook up with Xie Dongyang and marry in the best. After all, the Xie family is the top dignitaries.

Even if it is impossible to marry, as a confidant of Xie Dongyang, then the next half of life is also worry-free.

When the time came when the human society collapsed, there was no way to go.

These poor and ambitious women are the most unstable factor in the world, always thinking about seeing the stitches.

"You're real." Xie Dongyang let go of her chin, and she wasn't in the mood to kiss.

Because, he knew that she was not her.

"Because I know President Xie is extremely clever and not easy to deceive, so I naturally have to tell the truth... But President Xie, you really need a woman by now, otherwise... those rumors about you are not too good for you it is good."

"Oh? What did you hear?"

"I dare not say it."

"You can say." Xie Dongyang closed his eyes and leaned on the seat of the car, with a smile in the corner of his eyes.

Lin Mengmeng couldn’t take his idea. After all, he didn’t know what Xie Dongyang thought in his heart. In case of anger...

"It's pretty mysterious outside, saying that your own design killed your father and big brother." Lin Mengmeng finished, and also deliberately looked at Xie Dongyang's reaction.

"anything else?"

"Also, to say that you...may be coveted by your sister-in-law, so you only started with your brother. Before long, your sister-in-law will be with you. By then, Xie's family is the world of you two. "

"Oh, is there any?"

"And... and said that you want to kick your sister-in-law out of the board and set up your mother's equity. Say you want to rule out dissidents and dominate the group."

"Hahaha." Xie Dongyang laughed after hearing it.

"Do you... really think so?" Lin Mengmeng asked deliberately timidly.

Xie Dongyang hooked his hand and smiled charmingly, "Come here, I will tell you."

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