Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1806: : Maternal Aura

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Xie Dongyang took Xie Ning and Xie Dongyao away. When they parted, Xie Dongyang also said, "Can you let A Sheng know about this?"

"Are you afraid of her worry?"

"I'm afraid she... is angry."

After seeing Huasheng flaring, Xie Dongyang is still afraid. It is not as simple as a slap.

It's the kind of momentum coming from the mountains and the sea, which really makes you extremely scared.

Of course, Huasheng rarely has that state. Last time, Xie Dongyang was not bad.

So this kid is also normal to be afraid. The wind covered his face and chuckled, "You think too much, even if you are angry, you can't hide her, you know you almost hung up just now."

"I know."

"Then do you know who got this silver-haired boy?"

Xie Dongyang was silent, but there seemed to be an answer in his heart.

"A Sheng found it. Such a big thing, A Sheng will definitely not know that she didn't come, and she sent someone to come, so it's impossible for you to hide her."

"Okay, then you tell her, I'm visiting someday."

"Well, go back early."

Feng Xi looked at it this way and found out that Xie Dongyang wasn't that jerk. Despite the scum before, who can guarantee a clean life forever?

Who can guarantee that he has never indulged in his life, not to mention, he just indulged in his private life before, but love is voluntary, not to bully men and women.

Xie Dongyang is really not an asshole, but just fans of the rivers, whose speech is too radical.

You like one, you have to belittle one, and it is really the quality of the general netizens.

In a hurry to leave in the jungle, Feng Xi and Nangong Liuyue went directly to Shili Spring Breeze.

When they arrived, it was not too late and it was only nine o'clock.

Hua Sheng is still asleep, holding Xiao Hei, watching a treasure app, and watching with relish.

Jiangliu went to the study instead, and he will help the group handle some urgent documents at this time every day.

Jasmine cut a plate of fruit for Huasheng with strawberry, kiwi, watermelon and mango.

"Sister A Sheng, you have something to eat."

"it is good."

Hua Sheng nodded, got up and picked up the fruit fork, just put it in his mouth, and heard the knock on the door.

Without waiting for Jasmine to open the door, Feng Xi directly opened the door and came in. This ten-year spring breeze came at least 800 times a year.

In the words of Qin Wanyu, it was Cha Huasheng who gave you a key directly.

"A Sheng, look at who this is?"

As soon as the wind entered the door, he happily pulled the boy and introduced it to Huasheng.

"Is it fun to fight a vampire?"

Hua Sheng didn't answer, just came an irony.

"Hey, it's not fun at all. Those monsters are too stinky, and the brains are stinky."

"Have seen the goddess."

The teenager was quite formal, kneeling on one knee when he saw Hua Sheng.

The right hand is placed on the chest on the left, very gentleman, of course, also very ceremonial.

"Hurry up, I am not a goddess, just a mere mortal, you don't have to be like this."

Hua Sheng's attitude is still very calm, not surprised by all kinds of teenagers.

Although Bai Ran didn't say what kind of gift will be sent, but with his personality, it must be a gifted child.

Isn't it embarrassing to the Fox race?

"No, the emperor Bairan said, you are our are the only pure blood goddess of the Jiutian family, I can't disrespect."

"Don't listen to him, you two are just tired after fighting, do you want to eat something?"

Hua Sheng got up and smiled.

"Pregnancy is different, there is a halo of maternal love all over me." Feng Xi gestured with both hands, making fun of Huasheng.

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