Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2017: : Suffering

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

At this moment, the left side of the emperor is the queen mother, the birth mother of the eight emperors.

On the right is the Maid of the Concubine, the sister of the Queen Mother, and the biological mother of the Second Prince.

The sisters exchanged glances when they saw the emperor's anger.

"Emperor, breathing his anger... His Highness is only wrong in estimating Pluto. This thing...Speaking of His Highness, there is indeed something wrong, but... Isn't the biggest mistake not the failure of Pluto? The concubine sees, this Pluto is not necessary. Go on."

"Sister is right, the King of Pluto is only a woman this time, so ridiculous is really not worthy of controlling the side of the Underworld, the emperor, this palace, it is better to... withdraw directly."

Heavenly Emperor said nothing, but his face was already very ugly.

But the girl who hadn’t spoken smiled, "The girl was right, but His Highness is not a child anymore. Such a big thing is not done. What is wrong, concubine see... if it happens later When it comes to bigger things, His Highness Eight is afraid that it will be difficult to be a great leader..."

"Wan, what do you mean?"

The queen mother was really angry, so degrading the eighth prince so clearly, so that the mother so bear?

The battle between the celestial princes has gradually become fierce. Pluto has defaulted to the eight princes.

This time he was neglected and was taken away already, which was already a huge loss. In this case, Wan Peng also had to take the opportunity to drag the eight princes into the water.

It's a good chess game, but it's no wonder that Wan Peng moved her mind.

Wan Bian is the only lady among the many concubines of the Emperor of Heaven, who gave birth to two princes.

And it's still one year a year. If you look at the timeline, you will know how much God loved her.

Wan Bian looks beautiful, has a gentle and gentle personality, and her mother is one of the big families in the heavenly realm-the Yu family.

Because of the rain, the family relationship with the four sea dragons is also very good.

Therefore, in the struggle of the heirs, the voice of the Yu clan has been extremely high, and the supporters of the third and fourth princes are even with the eighth prince.

"The mother doesn't need to be nervous. The concubine's meaning is very obvious, that is, the elder husband dares to be dare, the eighth prince is the pride of our heavenly family. It's even more that the mother is out of you, naturally it is noble, but it is more strict because of such a mistake. . Otherwise, how do you let other brothers serve the crowd? What do you think of the lovers?"

In an instant, the main hall was silent...

The failure of the eighth prince did indeed make many old officials feel cold, and even felt that the eighth prince was insufficient in strategy and was used by others.

Heavenly Emperor rubbed his eyebrows, "Passing my will, Pluto is in charge of the underworld, and made mistakes repeatedly. I have missed his identity as a **** and given opportunities. But he ignored the sky and ignored all the creatures in the world, and immediately withdrew his Pluto identity. , Exile in the North Cold Place... a thousand years to reflect on the fault."

"Father Emperor...Uncle Hades must be..."

The eighth prince actually admired Pluto, and he wanted to keep it up no matter what, but...

"Shut up for me, do you dare to say more? The eighth prince Tian Yao, who knows people and is not wise, makes a big mistake... The demon evil has escaped from the seventy-two illusion, the eighth prince is to blame, Gu Nian is in my knot After giving his wife the dignity of his wife, she was treated with leniency, but... the death penalty was exempted, and the living crime was inescapable... He was sentenced to reincarnate into the world for a hundred years, to taste the pains of the seven emotions and six desires, to practice well, and to wake up as soon as possible.

"Father and Emperor, is it too heavy to punish people?"

At this time, even the aunt could not see it anymore, and the dancing concubine froze to plead.

"Don't ask anyone to plead with him, who has to say one more word and get off with him."

After that, the Emperor got up and left with his sleeves...

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