Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2032: : With an affair

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

The fourth prince, Tianqi, took a pill in Wanpin's mind. After all, his mother's pillow blew the wind, and he was much more confident.

After the four princes left, Wanpeng called her confidant directly, whispered, and Xiao Gong's eyes changed, but looking at Wanpeng's fierce eyes, she nodded and turned away from heaven.

"Eight, don't blame me, who asked you to occupy the status of your sister-in-law. Although you are in exile, but the king is like a tiger, and the emperor is uncertain. You can only feel at ease if you die forever!"

Wanpeng murmured in a low voice.

Of course, Wan Peng did not expect to tell the four princes that such **** and spicy things should be done by her. Once the crimes of cruelty to the prince are exposed, the four princes can be removed!

It can be said that Wan Bian was really able to make her son the prince, but the eighth prince was exiled because of the Pluto's affairs, but his daughter's identity is still there, and his position is also in the future.

The mother family of Tianhou is the orthodox **** of the Yun family. There have been 218 gods of war, and the grandfather of Tianhou has participated in two wars of gods and demons.

It can be seen that the mother family of the eighth prince is also really outstanding, but Wanpin clearly is precisely because of this illustrious nature. According to the suspicious nature of the heavenly emperor, he will definitely be afraid of the family of Tianhou.

Now that the wind direction of the harem has blown to Wanpeng, it is no wonder that she is now a little bit floating, knowing that the family of the eighth prince is going to hurt the killer.

Tianhou was completely neglected by the emperor because of the matter of the eighth prince. If it was not because of her grandfather’s military exploits, it would be possible to abolish it.

Even Yun Mai, the aunt who carried the eighth prince, was too low-key.

The other concubines, Wan Peng, have not even looked at it, and they always feel that it is only one step away from success.

Human world, ten miles of spring breeze.

Hua Zhi came out of Shili Chunfeng with the wind and separated. If the two of them could still talk before, it may be that Hua Zhi had just conceived her baby recently and her body did not recover very well. In fact, Hua Zhi thought too much. Although it is not the previous devil figure, it is enough, but Hua Zhi is not satisfied. If it is not because she is worried about the safety of Hua Sheng, she will not come out today.

Hua Zhi drove was planning to go home, and she didn't see the child for a while. She missed it a bit. When she was waiting for a traffic light, she just saw Wang Junxian.


Hua Zhi watched Wang Junxian drive across from the opposite side, and there was a woman sitting on the first officer!

This scene directly stimulated Hua Zhi's hair upside down, but the co-pilot was her position, and Wang Junxian could drive himself. Who is this woman?

What is more stimulating to Hua Zhi is that although it is just a side scene, the woman actually wore a white gauze skirt that she didn't wear because of her waist yesterday...


At the time of Hua Zhi Leng Shen, the red light has changed, but she hasn't moved, and of course the car behind can't wait, constantly urging behind.

Hua Zhi was awakened by the whistle of the car, and the grievances in her heart could not help souring, and she kept crying, but her hands did not stop, and she started the car and went straight home.

Wangjia Villa

Hua Zhi's temper was naturally unbearable. At that time, Wang Junxian was called, but it was also a coincidence. Wang Junxian's mobile phone was dead, so he did not receive the call.

If at ordinary times, Hua Zhi still understands, but since giving birth to a child, Hua Zhi no matter how much weight she loses, her waist cannot be eliminated in a short time because of the fat of the child.

In fact, compared with those pregnant women who have just given birth, they are already very good, but Hua Zhi is a star, and the requirements are too high.

Especially in the previous long skirts that showed waists, Hua Zhi couldn't wear anymore. For this reason, he also played with Wang Jun for a long time. As a result, he saw Wang Jun Xian personally driving other women, which made Hua Zhi how tolerant!

"Wang Ba Dan, I actually have a woman on my back, so quickly..." Hua Zhiqi's tears rolled around his eyes.

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