Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2092: : Three Laws

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

The wind is trying to save the country by the curve. She has no choice. The only way to wake Hua Sheng is to influence her by the people around her.

"Humph, there is no cure!"

"Notify the three demons, strangling the wind, seeing people alive and corpses when they die!"

The red crescent on the forehead of the moon chopped flashed for a while, and the red light appeared at once, proving that the moon chopping was really moving.

"But the master, just a breeze, the subordinates can do it!"

The three-eyed centipede thought he was no longer trusted, and was to be abandoned by the moon, and immediately knelt down and asked.

"The Feng family exorcism for generations, good at Feng Shui, don't look at her as a woman, but the Feng family behind her is a little trouble, and her patron saint, Xuanjie ice!"

"This temple does not want to have any more accidents. You follow the three earth demons and let Feng Family be removed from the world!"

Chaiyue didn't look at the three-eyed centipede again, and turned to withdraw the enchantment and returned to the spring breeze.

These days he has to guard Huasheng even more, and no one is there.

Frankly, Fengxi is also waiting for this day. In the past few days, Fengxi has found all the friends around Huasheng. Everyone was very strange about the moon-cutting. Someone understands that someone helps me remember in the middle. Although I can’t remember it completely, I also feel that things are not that simple.

And no one will feel disbelief, and the ability to accept is very strong. Thanks to the time spent with Huasheng, we do not think it is impossible for these strange things.

But when the wind was about to go to the spring breeze, it was blocked.

Looking at the three big protectors in front of him, the black demon earth spider, the ten thousand prince king, and the three giant lizards, the wind laughed.

"Your Highness really looks up to me, looking for three in a row?"

Feng Xi said while secretly inviting the white wolf king, this time, actually a moment of life and death.

When the guardian spirit of the wind appeared, his expression was a bit difficult to say.

"This woman, you really don't worry about it!" The White Wolf King had to tease a few words, but when he saw the situation in front of him, he didn't say anything directly behind him.

"Smelly girl, you go first!"

Although the white wolf has a hard mouth, he still protects the wind, let her go first, he restrained.

"Where can I go? Before that, I'm ready! Today, let's slash the monsters together, can you?"

The wind whipped out the magic wand, her expression was determined, she had settled Qin Wanyu, and she understood that she was the only one to kill the moon, and she had no worries. If she was allowed to do nothing, she would not forgive herself. , So today's battle is already doomed!

Cuiyue really underestimated her attachment to Huasheng, and Feng Xi would not watch Huasheng go further and further.

"Okay." It took a long time for the white wolf to see the little girl so domineering and majestic. In fact, she was still moved.

"The nonsense is over? Then die!" The dark demon spider was enchanted with purple, spun silk into a sword, and it was quenched with poison, and it shot directly towards the wind.

The Wanjia thorn king and the three giant lizards waved a huge and terrifying body, and killed the past by annotating the white wolf.

In fact, they were still a little surprised before they came. After all, if you have a mortal, how can you use all three of them?

They only dared not to listen to His Royal Highness’ orders, and they must not leave the world alive today.


The windy whip is entangled with the black devil spider's spider silk, because it is poisoned and corrodes the tortoise whip, making a noisy sound.

But there were only some sounds. The windy whip was unusual and not completely corroded.

"It's really something. It can resist my poison! This Muggle can..."

The tone of the Dark Devil Spider was somewhat surprised, but it was only for a moment, and then no longer troubled, and began to enlarge the move!

At this moment, Feng Xi confronted the three guardians of the demon world.


The wind saw the white wolf turned into a parabola and was hit, and hurried over.

"Wolf King, are you okay?"

"None of them are idle people, you have to be careful."

The wind lifted White Wolf Road.

"Smelly girl, don't worry about me, you are a mortal body, thinking about how to solve the dilemma in front of you? If you want to see your silly husband again, I hope you really put out twelve points of strength and fight desperately. ..."

The white wolf Wang Qiang endured the pain, and got up again, but his eyes kept looking around, fearing that there would be another enemy attack...

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