Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2152: : Decided secretly

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Don't think that Feng Feng can see the savior, the master of that voice can only be Brahma under the Buddhist ceremony.

"Brother! You are coming, please look at your second brother, your brain is so funny! Nonsense, my brain circuit can't keep up with him."

Seeing the main hall coming down, Feng Ying was so excited that he even forgot what he said.

"Wait, what did you just say? Brother? I was shocked by the brave words of my second brother. This ear is not good enough!"

But when he finished speaking, Fengying still reacted.

"Ears don't work well, just go to see the doctor, let people call the magicians of the demon world, and give us a look at our Three Highnesses!"

Cut Moon looked at each other with His Highness, nodded, and said hello, mainly to hear the words of His Highness, he didn't play around with the third son, which made Cut Moon easier, otherwise his ears would suffer again.

His elder brother is indeed a Buddhist, but if he speaks truth, it is like the old monk chanting.

"I think the doctor should show you your head!"

Feng Ying heard this, and couldn't help but go back.

Chaiyue ignored him, and looked directly at the main hall, saying: "Big Brother, whatever happened to the Three Treasure Hall?"

Brahma heard the words of Cut Moon, smiled faintly, looked at Feng Ying, and his eyes signaled him to be restless. Then he looked at Cut Moon and said: "It's no big deal, this is not you, you come back, and the third child can help you, It’s nothing to me, you know, I don’t want to participate in anything outside."

"I haven't been out this time soon. Say hello to you. I'm going back to the enchantment, accompany my wife and children, and enjoy the joy of the next world!"

When Brahma counted his wives and children, his brows were all smiles, and his tone was more gentle, showing that His Royal Highness was a good husband and a good father.

"Okay, later I will send someone to prepare some food for my little niece and niece. If they want, they will come back and see."

Although Cut Moon is called the devil outside, the criticism is not good, but for the two children of His Highness, he is still very fond of it.

"They, like to live in the world without disputes, it is enough to choke out!"

"But if you want, you can go over and see for yourself! Those two little devil kings always mention you, and think I don't have the good looks you have!"

Brahma smiled helplessly and said a few words to Cut Moon, saying that he would go back to pack things, and then left. From beginning to end, he would not comment on what to do to Cut Moon, and fully expressed his life. No contention.

Three Highnesses sat here for a long time, and his emotions were calmed down and calmed down. He watched His Highness return to the enchantment, greeted him, and went together.

"I don't care about you anymore. My eldest brother has gone home to see the children. I went to see my little niece. Anyway, you are back. How do you love tossing!"

After His Highness finished talking, he didn’t wait for the end of the month, and turned and ran away. It seems that the arrow crossbow has never happened before. Of course, they often do this, and the month has been used to it.

Leaving the temple until they went to the palace under the high palace together, and at the moment of closing the door, the faces of the two laughed back with a smile.

"Brother, this is what you said to give her a chance?"

"Three realms and six paths are not enough for her to play!"

"What do you think the woman wants to do?"

"Control the world! Her mind... I dare not think about it!"

If he saw the restless eyes in the hall, Feng Ying would not have left like this. He knew that Brahma must have something to say, but he was just paralyzing the moon.

The huge ambition of Hong Yu, whether it is Feng Ying or the Royal Highness, is shaking!

"No matter what she wants to do, manipulate the world and kill the gods, this is absolutely not enough!"

"Your perfect strategy, prepare the time, execute it! The sooner the better, you can't wait."

Brahma's eyes were empty, and he was still in shock at the moment. When Fengying went, he was already here, so when he cut the moon, he heard clearly, but what he didn't expect was that this actually meant Hongyu...

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