Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2177: : Happy Pill

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Heavenly Holy Land, Tin Hau Buddha Hall.

"It is said that the chief executive can best see the form. Now this form is not as good as the chief executive guessing?"

Tianhou didn't speak, and kept carrying her body, twisting the beads.

The person who spoke was the younger sister of the queen, the concubine.

She meant to tie up the general manager around the emperor.

"The dancing concubines laughed, and the minions couldn't guess. It was just that the Emperor sent the minions to pass the orders and recall Lord Hades. The minions didn't have time to return. The Emperor was waiting there!"

"Of course, if there is something wrong with the mother-in-law, the slave will naturally wait for the dispatch."

The general manager smiled faintly, looked down at the bundle of fairy ropes on his body, and then his tone was somewhat humble. He really knew the current affairs.

"Oh! The general manager is not a loss, he is a celebrity around the emperor, and the palace can't move it!"

The dancing princess looked ironic, and the chief executive wanted to send him.

"The chief executive is a wise man. I would like to ask you for help. The eighth prince has returned!"

Tianhou heard the words of the Chief Executive, stopped the twisting of the beads in his hand, and lifted his hand to untie the bundle of fairy ropes. Although the dancing concubine said yin and yang, but knew what to do at this time, he took out a big slap box and put it in In front of the general manager.

"this is?"

The general manager is very careful, even if the bundle of Xiansheng is untied, there is not much change, and the box given by Wufei is not received.

The words of Tianhou seem to be irrelevant, but when you think about it for a moment, the meaning is obvious.

The princes secretly favored by the Emperor Mingdi were dead, and the war of gods and demons had also entered the daytime. At this time, the eighth prince came back, and now he wants to ask his servant beside the Emperor for help, the things in this box are obvious. Too.

"Tianhou, why bother in a hurry?"

The general manager was silent for a moment, looking up at Tianhou Road.

He has been caught by the queen, and the bundle of fairy ropes has been used. Today, he has no choice, but the chief executive has also thought about a few days of sloppy days, not wanting to take risks, but he can bend and stretch and look at the eyes of Tianhou after speaking. I also knew that this woman was cruel, really cruel.

"This palace can guarantee that the position of the chief executive will remain unchanged when the eight princes come to power!"

"President, don't let this palace down!"

"This Xiaoyao Dan, the chief executive will have to keep it!"

"This palace is waiting for good news in the Buddha Hall!"

The day later picked up the box put down by the concubine, and picked up the tough one again and put it in the hands of the general manager.


The general manager had to pick it up and could only answer.

"By the chief executive, your little sister, this palace is very fond of. Seeing this memory of this palace forgets this matter, this palace has already "invited" her!"

When the general manager was about to turn around and leave, Tian said suddenly, and then the dog leg of the concubine threw a cloud out of her hand, and inside it was a sleeping little girl. At this moment, she was imprisoned by the unique enclave of the Yun tribe, and she couldn't sleep.

"younger sister!"

In fact, the general manager seemed to think of a reptile, and he was wholeheartedly keeping his life and becoming more powerful. It was also for his only sister to live better in heaven.

"The minions will live up to the queen mother and the concubine!"

The general manager clenched his fists, and finally looked at the imprisoned girl, and turned to leave hurriedly. He knew that there was no benefit to say at this moment. As long as the Xiaoyao Dan was eaten by Heavenly Emperor, his sister would be considered safe.

And in the mind of the general manager, I remembered the two viper women who didn't even let people by the pillow.

This person next to the pillow naturally refers to Heavenly Emperor, it seems that everyone has their own careful thinking.

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