Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2198: : Bagua Halo

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hongyu saw that she believed the moon-cutting, and said nothing more. It was at this time that the peony had entered in the morning.

"Yu'er, do you look at some appetite, if you don't like it, I'm making someone else prepare."

Choi Yue is still so meticulous to Hong Yu. At this moment, there is still some unbearable ecstasy in his heart. He even expects Jiang Liu to be rescued. Of course, as long as he is still alive, he does not mind helping Jiang Liu and let him meet with Hong Yu. After all, even if a mortal is dead, he may not see the shadow of the devil world.

In the mind of Cut Moon, he couldn't help but dream of the scene of Jiang Liu's blood splashing on the spot, only to feel comfortable all over. At this moment, all the jealousy of Jiang Liu felt meaningless, and so did Jiang Liu.

"No, just eat these. You can do your best. Don't stay here with me. Wait for the dust outside to settle. We all have time to get along. Don't be in a hurry."

"Three days have passed, you have let me down once, I believe you will not let me down next?"

Hongyu said faintly that she didn't miss the joy in the moon-cutting eyes, but she was really in no mood at the moment. She had some interest but lacked it.

"You can rest assured, no, you will give me another chance, I will naturally not let you down again!"

"Sky Realm is just dying and struggling now, and it won't be long before it will definitely be as you wish!"

Cut Moon heard Hong Yu's words, and his expression was somewhat unnatural, but he immediately affirmed.

"hope so."

"You go, don't worry about me, in your place, are you still worried about who will do me bad?"

Hong Yu looked at Cut Moon and said.

"I just want to look at you more."

Cut Moon answered.

Although Devil Realm has already damaged 100,000 troops, Heaven Realm is much worse than Demon Realm. Sword Moon will naturally not stop playing at this time. Looking up and down at Hongyu, there is no big problem with her body.

It’s just that his face is a little sick, but Hongyu has always been there, and he hasn’t even cared about cutting the moon, because since he had this child, Hongyu’s face hasn’t gotten better, and he left after having breakfast with Hongyu.

Later, Choyue particularly regrets why he left that day.

"Master, tonight you are going to sleep a little too long. It is better to go out with your slave-in-law and change your mood. The old man said that the long-term grasp of pregnant women is not conducive to future births!"

Shaoyao watched that Cue Yue had left, naturally knowing that she would definitely not be able to return at this time, but she had been listening here and then walked to Hongyu and said softly.


Hong Yu was silent for a while before nodding, no matter how uncomfortable his body was, but he had to admit that Jiuwo was indeed bad for pregnant women.

In fact, Hongyu didn’t eat anything, because she noticed that the baby in her belly was wrong last night. Since the last month she cut the moon and saved her child for 15,000 years, she no longer needs the magic energy to cut the moon. Too.

But just last night, he suddenly began to absorb the magic energy, in fact, this is not surprising, because he did not absorb less before, but this time is significantly different from before.

The spiritual power after Hongyu’s reincarnation was slowly absorbed by the fetus, and with the support of the devil qi given by the moon, the child could not refuse, but now, when he absorbs the devil qi again, he is actually mixed with him. The spirit of impulse, forming a gossip aura!

Now outsiders can't see it, but Hong Yuneng and Hong Yu are so sure because of the coming of the moon today and after looking up and down at her, they didn't notice anything wrong, let alone the attendants around them.

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