Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2232: : Invalid persuasion

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!


There was a cry around the moment, and the Moon Sword had no distinction between the enemy and me. What demon **** realm took away directly.

Blood everywhere.

The range of the power of the Shura umbrella was not small, and now with the devil's moon in the devil, even the creatures hidden in the air have not been let go, and there is a deadly wound wherever they go.

"You are crazy, that is your fellow man too!"

Jiang Liu didn't expect that the moon-cutting would suddenly cause trouble. Instead of attacking him, he slaughtered the creatures wherever he went.

The act of chopping the moon is telling him that there is no saying at all, who will block and kill who today.

"Except for Huasheng, this world is not worth mentioning to this seat, this seat can kill the world, can you?"

"Do you dare? Jiang Liu, the great meaning in your eyes, in this seat, is not worth a finger of Hua Sheng!"

"From today on, this seat will not let go of all threats to her, including you. If you dare to force her to do what you don’t want with your so-called friendship, even if I can’t kill you, I will ruin your eyes. Dayi!"

Huasheng's fall into the demon lava this time has really hit the moon-cutting, and it is necessary to remove all threats.

In the eyes of Jiang Liu, Jiang Yue’s current behavior is like a bear child, who won’t let you do what you do, and then what can you do to me.

Judging from the age, the age of the moon-cutting is really much smaller than that of the river. Many times, when the river rescued the first eschatology, the moon was not cut yet.

Jiang Liu knew that the persuasion was invalid, and raised his hand to summon the Purple Imperial Excalibur, and his eyes became sharp.

"Is this Emperor Chen Yuan wanting to fight? Very good. I waited a long time for this day!"

Cut Moon licking his back molars, full of bloodthirsty excitement, clutching the Shura umbrella tightly.

"Come on!"

Jiang Liu's tone was indifferent, and he sighed in his heart. If he could, he didn't want He and Yueyue to go to the point where they are today. No one knew that the Emperor Chen Yuan of that year had moved him to take his place.

After all, the power to cut the moon is obvious to all, but he did not expect that the accident that happened later disrupted all his plans. Not only did the plan be shelved, but the cut moon has also become a tricky existence.

Now the two of them can't get along peacefully from that point of view. It's never possible, just like he won't give up Hua Sheng, and he will not cut the moon.

In fact, the maddening act of cutting the moon today is to force Jiang out of his hands. Even in this battle, even if he cannot be killed, it is enough to hurt him.

Only in this way, Jiangliu has no energy to move the children in Huasheng's belly. As for the others, it is really not in his eyes to cut the moon.

It’s just that the moon was ignored, or that it was too late to think, and he could hurt the river. In the end, he wouldn’t be good. If Heaven Realm would send someone again, he might not be able to protect Huasheng, and that time If the river flow is also hurt, Huasheng's side will no longer be able to fight the people who fight against the heaven.


No amount of mental activity at the moment is too late. It can be said that the moon is already mad by jealousy. Opening the asura umbrella and hitting a wave of yin and yang, piercing the sky and straight from the face of the river.

If Feng Ying is still there, she should really be sighed when she sees the killing move of the cut moon, and cut the moon has mercy on him.

If the yin and yang waves can face the door in the middle, it can pull the soul of the other party away from the body alive, like the pain of cramping and peeling.

If the physical body of ordinary people cannot withstand such an attack at all, it is not only necessary to feel the pain of peeling the soul, but in the end, there will be no **** left where the physical body will be blown up.

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