Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2315: :It is my fault

"What's going on? How did Bo Xun become a baby?"

Bai Ran looked at the changes in front of him, worried about the state of the river, watched the river suddenly protected Bo Xun, and understood that the river did not want Bo Xun to die after all.

I just didn't expect Po Xun to suddenly become a baby?

Could it be that it is difficult to maintain the appearance of a child after being beaten?

"He was originally a baby under the full moon, using his own strength to pull the seedlings and encourage him. Now that he is defeated, there should be no excess energy."

"The power channel to absorb the believers around was also broken by Emperor Chen Yuan. He no longer has the power to stir the situation, and the Three Realms and Six Paths can finally restore the peace of the past!"

Emperor Fengdu looked at the distance, the little baby suspended in front of Emperor Chen Yuan, and said with a little excitement.

Bo Xun turned into a baby, and Emperor Chen Yuan returned to his peak. Naturally, the Three Realms and Six Paths didn't dare to say anything. In this way, could Emperor Chen Yuan and his family live a happy life?

In fact, it can be seen that Emperor Fengdu didn't really care about rules and regulations. As long as he lived in the past, the only person he admired could lead the life he wanted, and he wouldn't mess up.

As for the other people, it is not necessarily the case. Like Tian Yao at this time, his eyes moved slightly, and he might be thinking about how to execute Bo Xun. After all, how innocent Bo Xun died?

As the future monarch of the Three Realms and Six Paths, he still needs to be fair. He can't be exempted because Bo Xun is the son of Emperor Chen Yuan!

I don’t know if Tian Yao’s reaction was not concealed, or the reaction was too obvious. Suddenly, Bai Ran stood next to Tian Yao one by one, nicknamed "Protect the Prince!"

Tian Yao...

He hated him just now, and they were still chatting. Will this protect him? No matter how you look at it, it's a bad intention!

But Tian Yao is not an idiot. Even if he wants to deal with Bo Xun, he will not solve it by himself with the Emperor Chen Yuan, so why should he first look at the meaning of Emperor Chen Yuan.

It’s just that Tian Yao didn’t expect Emperor Chen Yuan to do this for Bo Xun?

No matter what thoughts the entire Three Realms and Six Paths are holding at this moment, there is a rare silence in the entire heaven, and it is really a little accepting and incompetent. In the last second, it was the great demon who destroyed the world, but in the next second it became a babble. Baby?

No one can accept this kind of contrast.

The most unacceptable is the river flow.

At this moment, he looked at Bo Xun, who was returning to his babyhood, with a slightly moved expression.

I wanted to stretch out my hand, but I didn't know how to hold it. It was a stalemate for a long time, especially Bo Xun's father, which seemed like a dream.

"You... what did you just call me?"

"Are you willing to recognize me?"

Jiang Liu raised his slightly trembling hand, and circled Bo Xun in his arms.

"Father, you are my father, I was wrong, I shouldn't..."

"I didn't expect you to do this for me!"

When Bo Xun returned to his infancy, all the energy of the body was condensed, so as not to continue to purify and consume.

Now, naturally, I can’t be like a five or six-year-old child. Normal communication can only be thought of in my mind. Fortunately, the river is no ordinary person.

All the secret words of Bo Xun can be heard and understood!

Just can hear, Jiang Liu thought for a moment whether Bo Xun lied to him, but looked at the round villain in his arms, this is the blood and blood between him and Hua Sheng. Purification, Bo Xun completely turned back to a normal child, even if all his cultivation base was compromised, he was willing!

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