Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2327: : Eternal life

"What is Emperor Chenyuan going to do?"

"Quickly stop him!"

Jiang Liu's sudden free and easy smile made the Emperor Fengdu, who had been silent since Hua Sheng arrived, his heart beat.

This smile is more like relief than Hua Sheng, indifferent, as if everything is no longer important.

Emperor Fengdu's eyelids were about to jump out of his eye sockets, he shouted in a panic, and then he was about to rush towards the river without a word.

Hearing the words of Emperor Fengdu, several people in Bai Ran subconsciously shook their bodies, and then all their eyes were on Jiang Liu's body, not waiting for the influence of their minds on the refracted back, how to dominate the brain, the few people in Bai Ran had already rushed forward, no matter what. Stop the river first.

But how can things that Jiang Liu has decided to change?

When Bai Ran approached, Jiang Liu raised his hand to arrange a barrier around him and Hua Sheng, isolating everyone.

"Jiang Liu, what are you doing!"

Hua Sheng ignited the nine-day sacred fire on himself and Bo Xun, and chose to ignite spontaneously under the eyes of everyone. He wanted to tell the people of the world that the mother and child who upended the Three Realms and Six Paths were over.

From now on, Gengchen Yuandi God is no longer related.

The only stain of Emperor Chenyuan God will also be burned out.

But watching Jiang Liu's reaction, Hua Sheng was a little anxious, holding Bo Xun, who was already breathing weak, backing away while weeping, pulling her away from Jiang Liu again.

It's just that every step Hua Sheng takes, it should be like tearing apart the skin and flesh, but Hua Sheng did not feel the pain strangely. Looking down at Bo Xun, his breath is weak because his soul has been burned by the nine-day holy flame. The value was declining, and it wasn't because of his pain. Perhaps it should be said that it didn't hurt later. At the beginning, Bo Xun was still struggling, and Hua Sheng could feel the pain himself.

"Jiang Liu, what did you do?"

"Stop it, this is my retribution, I should make up for it!"

After Hua Sheng finished speaking, he could no longer hold on to squatting on the ground. Although the pain subsided, the work of the Nine Heavens Sacred Fire did not fall at all. Hua Sheng's soul gradually became transparent, flying away with the wind and sand.

But when Hua Sheng couldn't resist squatting down, Jiang Liu hugged Hua Sheng, encircled Hua Sheng's mother and son in his arms, and allowed the nine-day sacred flame to burn along with the body of the river.

When the river was approaching, Hua Sheng knew what Jiang Liu thought, but no matter how she pushed it, she couldn’t push the river. Hua Sheng wanted to collect the nine-day sacred flame on Jiang Liu, but Jiang Liu saw it. Hold her hand.

"A Sheng, we are a family of three. We will go and go together forever, and we will never be separated again!"

"Can you leave me cruelly and leave with your children alone? How will you let me live in the future?"

"Don't say sorry to me anymore. The only thing you're sorry about me is that you didn't do it. We pledged to grow old!"

Jiang Liu hugged Hua Sheng, whispering to Hua Sheng's ear with his lips.

When Jiang Liu said this, the corner of his mouth kept smiling. He used all the divine power of Emperor Chen Yuan to transfer the pain of Hua Sheng mother and son being burned by the nine-day sacred flame to himself. This is Jiang Liu, as a husband and as a father. The last thing you can do for your lover, son.

Since he can't save their mother and child, he will die with them. From now on, no one can bother them!

If you ignore the nine-day torch that surrounds them, the three of them are really a warm family of three.

"Jiang Liu..."

"I love you!"

Hua Sheng stopped struggling when he heard Jiang Liu's words, and swallowed the sentence of sorry. He leaned on Jiang Liu's chest and confessed to Jiang Liu with a smile. Although Jiang Liu knew, she still wanted to say it again at this moment!

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