Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2330: : Hundreds of waste waiting to be developed

It may be Hua Sheng's last explanation that worked. After Bai Ran shouted this, Xiao Hei really closed his mouth. It was just that such a big beast suddenly lay on the ground and wept bitterly, and there was a moment of silence again.

Hua Sheng, Jiang Liu's death, Bai Ran and these friends couldn't accept it for a while, let alone Xiao Hei. When they were together, everyone in the room was invincible.

"Emperor Chenyuan's departure is very difficult for all of us to accept for a while, but the Three Realms and Six Paths can't be left alone!"

"If the rest of us don’t live well and don’t turn the Three Realms and Six Paths back into a prosperous world, how can they be worthy of the efforts of Emperor Chen Yuan, in order to remove the devil, the husband and wife of Emperor Chen Yuan will follow. This kindness, I will always remember Tian Yao!"

"The remaining officials, together with the main hall, restore the order of the Three Realms and Six Paths!"

Tian Yao pushed away the celestial generals around him, stepped forward and shouted, but few people catered to it.

"Emperor Fox? Hades? Emperor Fengdu..."

Tian Yao was silent for a moment, and directly called out a few people with some reputation, and then Tian Yao put his eyes on Zhan Yue's body, but he did not shout, strictly speaking, he did not dare to shout.

At this moment, Zhanyue stood in the place where Hua Sheng was spontaneously ignited, silent, not sad or not, expressionless, just staring blankly.

As if he had lost his soul, Tian Yao didn't dare to bother him, for fear that Zhanyue would hit too much at one time and let the Three Realms and Six Paths follow him in the funeral?

It’s not that Tian Yao thinks too much. It’s not that Zhanyue has never done anything like this. The current Three Realms and Six Ways really can’t help being disturbed by others. They are riddled with holes, especially the Human Realm. Look.

So it’s no wonder that Tian Yao is anxious to restore order. As for Emperor Chen Yuan, to be honest, Tian Yao feels that he will not say dead, but the mother and son of Hua Sheng, who should not be able to return. After all, the identity of Emperor Chen Yuan , The savior between heaven and earth, how could he die like this?

But Tian Yao didn't say this, because it was just his guess.

"His Royal Highness said that we still have a lot to do, old ghost!"

Bai Ran wiped her eyes indiscriminately, and then pushed Ming Yan, but she didn't want to see Ming Yan sometime, leaving two lines of clear tears under her eyes. Ming Yan closed her eyes and nodded in response to his words.

Then, without waiting for Bai Ran to say anything, she turned around and left.

"What are you going to do!"

It was the first time that Bai Ran saw Ming Yan weeping. If he knew that one day in the future, Ming Yan would be so emotional. He would not have been scornful at first. He made fun of Ming Yan and Hua Sheng, and even prevented them from meeting. Ming Yan moved his heart.

"Do what I should do, as Pluto, the underworld is my only responsibility!"

Ming Yan threw down these words and disappeared into the heavens. He had to make himself busy quickly, because only in this way could he temporarily forget Hua Sheng's death.

Ming Yan told herself over and over in her heart that Hua Sheng was actually not dead, but went to another place with Jiang Liu. They were still the same as before. He would watch from behind, as long as she was happy.

"Old ghost!"

Bairan vomited muddy mouth, as if throwing out all the sadness in his body, looking at the place where Ming Yan disappeared.

After that, Bai Ran looked at Emperor Fengdu, and was a little worried about him, but didn't want Emperor Fengdu to wait for him to say anything, and turned around and walked away faster than Mingyan.

"You don't need to say anything. Feng still needs me. Many evil spirits took advantage of this matter and ran away a lot. I have to catch it back and maintain the responsibility of maintaining the Three Realms and Six Paths. I will replace him and complete it!"

Bai Ran didn't stop him, and since then, Feng hasn't had any evil spirits to escape from prison.

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