Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2377: : Overreaction

"Qin Wanyu, I warned you for the last time, you are not allowed to intervene when I deal with such a thing, if there is another next time, we will have our own lives!"

Feng Xi was like a roaring body at this moment, yelling at Qin Wanyu, scared Ling Xiao, who was still unknown to the side, to speak.

"I...I want to help you, I doubt..."

Qin Wanyu didn't expect such a sudden event to happen, and the whole person was still in a state of ignorance. As a result, he saw Feng Xi's entire face blushing and shouting at him.

And Qin Wanyu subconsciously wanted to explain that he really found something, so he wanted to ask the names of these resentful souls. He was not only thinking about superfluous things, but before Qin Wanyu finished speaking, he directly Was interrupted by Feng Xi.

It was also at this moment that Qin Wanyu realized that Feng Xi was really angry, but is that so?

"My Dignified Family Patriarch, use you to help? What can you help me? You honestly are the greatest help to me!"

"Qin Wanyu, don't you think it's funny? Just because you can see these things, you think you can do it? When were you so naive?"

"I tell you, take this ridiculous idea of ​​yours back. You are not allowed to intervene in my affairs. The next time I am not kidding, I don't need an overweight Muggle by my side!"

"I shouldn't let you come this time!"

In fact, Feng Xi knows that this is the opponent's game, and knows that the opponent can't hold on anymore. He made a desperate move to control the resentment, and rushed out of the **** regardless of the consequences. Otherwise, he wouldn't rush out early or late. reaction.

Moreover, Feng Xi dared to guarantee that a corresponding limb of the other party would definitely be abolished.

Originally, these resentful souls have evil spirits on their bodies, and that person is a half-hearted person. Otherwise, the evil spirits of the five ghosts will not make the formation of the five ghosts, and the evil spirits in the resentful souls can also erode this formation man, just like his present A certain body.

But he is very clever, using the method of locking soul to control them and help him do evil.

It's like running a marathon, with tired people taking a break in the middle, and soul-locking is a way of rest for the group.

In fact, Feng Xi was most angry because of Qin Wanyu, the nightmare that lingered in Feng Xi's heart.

In the dream, Qin Wanyu was right in front of her, being torn into pieces, stinging Fengxi's eyes and even more stinging her heart.

It became Fengxi's nightmare completely. She didn't dare to think about life without Qin Wanyu. Of course, this meant that Qin Wanyu was gone, not living on the other side.

If she were to watch Qin Wanyu die in front of her, Feng Xi would not dare to think about her.

Feng Xi knew that even if this was a dream, Qin Wanyu would still be like this if she was in danger. Today, when Qin Wanyu pushed her away for the first time, Feng Xi thought about it, but she suppressed her emotions and didn’t know. How to tell Qin Wanyu.

Only this time, Feng Xi couldn't help it at all, and directly said cruel words to Qin Wanyu to make him remember.

"Um... I'll excuse you, or the two of you will go back and quarrel? It's been a long time since the other party must have felt it. At this time, let's try to deal with him first, or we will be caught off guard in a while!"

Ling Xiao looked at the two people with darts and crossbows, and looked at Feng Xi with courage.

Ling Xiao really didn't expect that this woman usually looked like a small one, and became angry, like a roaring body, but also inexplicable, regardless of occasion.

Of course, Qin Wanyu was most dissatisfied with Ling Xiao, and he looked at Qin Wanyu not feeling well.

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