Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2393: : High cost

"You really..."

Fengxi watched Qin Wanyu's reaction, and pointed at Qin Wanyu for a while and didn't know what to say.

"You can figure it out, I'll go to work."

Qin Wanyu was silent for a moment, and finally dropped a word with a solemn expression, got up and left with his clothes.

When he left, Qin Wanyu glanced back and found that Feng Xi still had no response. He was cruel and opened the door and left.

"What is this all of a sudden? The uncle is here?"

Fengxi looked at Qin Wanyu's back after closing the door and leaving, helplessly and speechlessly, he scratched her short hair irritably.

Coincidentally, when Ling Xiao's call came in, Feng Xi saw that it was Ling Xiao.

Feng Xi became even more depressed when he saw Ling Xiao's call, and he hung up, and then returned a text message.

"Money, I don't have time to eat with you."

Simple and straightforward, Feng Xi put down his phone, looked at herself in the mirror, and turned around to go out. Of course, she was not going to an appointment, but investigating Wang Chao.

Although there were no traces everywhere, Feng Xi's directly told her that it would definitely not be that simple, and Feng Xi would not give up until the last moment.

There is also the ancient book of the Feng family. He lost a book. When Feng Ximeng asked his grandfather, the old man was silent and refused to elaborate, obviously there was a problem.

Now that it has appeared, Feng Xi has to find out how to know the ins and outs of the matter.

As a result, Feng Xi just went out. Coincidentally, he happened to meet Ling Xiao. Of course, Feng Xi would not believe that Ling Xiao would meet him downstairs in her house.

"It's a coincidence, Master Feng, now that we have met, let's have a meal, just to talk about the commission."

Ling Xiao knew that Feng Xi might not come, so he went out to pick him up, and when he came, he would step on it. After Qin Wanyu left, Ling Xiao drove into the community.

"Boss Ling really knows how to touch it! Then come close and give you face."

Since all of them came to pick up, Feng Xi thought about it. Regarding the commission, he only said that he would give it, but didn’t say how much. It’s okay to chat, especially when he thought of Qin Wanyu slamming the door, Feng Xi’s temper came up. Now, why can't she eat with the opposite sex?

Then it’s not the same for Qin Wanyu to go out to socialize. There are men and women, didn’t she say nothing?

Ling Xiao Kan Fengxi agreed, and suddenly smiled. The gentleman drove the door for Fengxi, and then chose an elegant and quiet restaurant with a beautiful mood, the small bridge and the flowing water, and the moonlight in the lotus pond.

This place is the place Ling Xiao has been looking for for a long time. It does not lose its elegance and mood. Whether it is a date or a business talk, it is very suitable. It is not abrupt to come here by appointment.

Of course, these were all Ling Xiao's personal thoughts. When he looked at Feng Xi proudly, he couldn't see a smile on Feng Xi's face.

"Although you are very difficult now, but what you say is that you are engaged in real estate. The skinny camel is bigger than the horse. What's more, you haven't done anything yet, and I will help you with your late grandfather. At first, I didn’t want it either, so for our money, one cent is worth one cent. Let’s take the market price, ten million yuan, no second price!"

"What's your reaction? I don't want to give it? Brother, my price is a bit high, but you say, your construction site has already had an accident, and the loss you will face in the future. Without me, it would not be ten million Stop it!"

After Feng Xi sat down, he went straight to the point. Before going there, he didn't discuss the price because he didn't know the specific job. Now it is over. Moreover, Feng Xi doesn't think there is a problem with what he wants. People with ordinary relationships still understand it.

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