Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2400: : Finally decided

Although this incident passed, it was a knife stuck in Qin Wanyu's heart, and he didn't know when it would make him bloody.

Qin Wanyu sat beside Fengxi, stretched out his hand to embrace her, and said her name, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Qin Wanyu, do you say that he hates me? Definitely, I didn't get his consent to give him a chance to come into this world, and then I didn't care about anything, strangling him, he would definitely hate me. "

Fengxi followed Qin Wanyu's shoulder, holding his heart, and said softly.

"If you want to hate, let him hate me, and he should hate me, everything is my fault!"

"But we are still very young. At that time, it was indeed not the right time. If he was there, we could not protect him, but now it is fine. Although I am inferior to you in some things, I already have a lot of understanding. Can we have one? Your own child?"

To have a child of his own, the wind was stunned when these words came out, and Qin Wanyu's words were also regained, and he walked out of the empty mood.

Feng Xi has never dared to think about this. Now, when it comes out, it is like opening a skylight to a new world. Because of the child who once left, Feng Xi has never dared to think about the child. She feels guilty and she is not a good mother. ...

"Daughter-in-law, I said seriously, we can actually have a child of our own. You can see that you have been free for a long time except for Ling Xiao's incident. Can this also be said to be safe outside and one party is safe? We can also live a normal life."

"A family of three, three meals in four seasons!"

Qin Wanyu hugged the wind and looked at the sunlight outside the window together, with an expression of hope, thinking of the future life, suddenly felt like a vicissitudes of life, as if he had gone through many obstacles, and finally managed to survive.

"How do you know that you are a family of three, but you can't be four?"

Feng Xi, who had been silent for a long time, said slowly.

When Feng Xi said this, it could be said that he was ready.

"Well, no matter it is three or four, I am willing, as long as you can nod your head, I am willing to do anything."

"The daughter-in-law, don’t we have to hurry up, Jiang Liu’s child is almost two months old, right? We can’t lag behind too much. I still want to be in-laws, and the two children’s age cannot be too different. what!"

After Qin Wanyu finished speaking, he slowly turned his head and looked at Fengxi with a smile. If Qin Wanyu wouldn't be depressed with Fengxi, he wanted to make her happy.

"You still want to be in-laws?"

"It's just a good suggestion. It depends on whether Jiang Liu is willing to accept it, and I'm not sure, maybe we are the same."

Fengxi looked up at Qin Wanyu's side face, feeling a little better, saying that a girl is like a dad, if she is a girl, she must not be ugly, looking at her appearance is not low, a boy like a mother must be a handsome boy .

As for Hua Sheng's genes, Feng Xi is not worried at all. As far as the appearance of her goddess and Jiang Liu, both boys and girls will look very good.

"If the two children are willing, Jiang Liu doesn't count what he said, then let's hurry up..."

After Qin Wanyu finished speaking, he was directly and strategically pressed!

As for Ling Xiao's affairs, he was about to start making a baby, so he should take it coolly. Of course, Qin Wanyu remembered that he actually dared to pry the corner.

Because of this, for a long period of time in the future, Ling Xiao will hit a wall again and again. The project encountered various setbacks. He spent a lot of money without saying it, but also delayed for a long time, doing useless work.

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