Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2444: : From Dunhuang

As for that child, Bai Ran definitely couldn't admit that he had anything to do with Zhanyue.

It’s not that Bai Ran wants to protect Zhanyue, it’s just that no one knows what’s going on right now, and a few of them have also analyzed privately before. No matter what, they can’t let people hurt this before Hua Sheng wakes up. A family.

"Emperor Fox, what are you talking about?"

"You can't just be so partial because of your personal relationship with Hua Sheng. We are gods in the heavens. We know what is going on. We know what is going on. Why don't you just let the tiger go back to the mountain for the sake of the devil's growth? Great, where is the peace of our heaven?"

"Yes, by then, it's not just the Celestial Realm. Who knows if there was any resentment in his death. There will be a lot of hatred because of love, and it will still be in the Demon Realm!"

"Now that the reincarnation is awakened, it has become more vigorous, revenges the three realms and six realms, and occupies the position of the heavens, can you guarantee the fox Emperor?"

"At that time, the veteran thought, the demon should not remember what you said today. The fox clan will also bring a disaster. As the emperor of the fox clan, don't you think for the people?"

Hearing Bai Ran's words, several veterans naturally changed their faces.

However, because Bai Ran did not often come to the court, everyone did not have any impression of him. Although there was a gap in the position of coffee, these veterans held their own identity for a short time, and even the Emperor of Heaven did not take it seriously.

With Bairan's tone, although their identities are not higher than Bairan, those who survived the battle between gods and demons have some identities. Even the emperor did not talk to them like this. Now Bairan said that, how old are they? The big one can't hold his face.

Besides, Bai Ran has always been a foolish, unconscionable appearance, such a stubborn veteran, of course, will not take it seriously.

I have never been convinced, but after the battle between the gods and demons ended, Bai Ran was even more dissatisfied with the achievement of being named the ancient god.

In their eyes, fortunately, Bai Ran still knew that he was not worthy of virtue, and did not accept it shamelessly, which still left him some face.

Now these veterans, with a respectful word of you in their tone, think that they are already a great concession, and they are very shameless.

Now it's up to Bairan's willingness to accept this face!

The look in Bairan's eyes was also hateful, mainly because of being caught in painful feet. After all, who wants to listen to oneself is because of counseling, and he wants to kill a baby if he can't beat it. Such a thing doesn't sound good to anyone.

That's why I want to force Tian Yao to make an order. In this way, it naturally has little to do with them, and it is Tian Yao who makes the decision.

It's just that no matter how Tian Yao chooses, these veterans will let Tian Yao accept their opinions!

Now, this group of people have completely forgotten that in the original battle between the gods and demons, who fought to protect these old things.

They even forget how far they hid when the gods and demons fought.

"Twenty-eight stars, are you from Dunhuang?"

"There are so many murals!"

Bai Ran stood up straight after hearing this, his expression changed, proving that he was serious.

Of course, this also shows that Bai Ran was angry, thinking that at the beginning, he always came to the Temple of Heaven and left when he wanted to go. When would it be his turn to get these old things to make irresponsible remarks?

If it weren't for countless deaths and injuries in the battle between gods and demons, those who were a bit responsible died on the battlefield, and there were not many gods. The Celestial Wheel got these things here chirping!

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