Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2448: : Let me fly

To be honest, Ming Yan had such a strong word at this time, and Nightmare heard it, and the corners of his mouth twitched, but he was very faceless and did not smile.

He also nodded solemnly, indicating that Pluto was right.

After all, it was just for Hua Sheng.

The discerning person knows in his heart, but who dares to say anything?

Nightmare Zhuo felt that these people seemed to be bullying the child a little bit.

After all, the Celestial Realm lacks confidence, and many things need to rely on these old gods who have the value of force.

Those veteran officials also spotted this, otherwise, where would they dare to command the Emperor of Heaven?

And Ming Yan is even more exaggerated, direct threats, or betting on his family's life, not to mention the current emperor, even the former dare not!

Even though Yan Zhuo felt that he was a bit bullying, he wouldn't blush and threaten his idol. If anyone didn't know who he was before, there was no threat, Yan Zhuo would definitely not care.

But now that the world has changed, his fan needs to do something for his idol!

Thinking of this, Nightmare frowned. This is how the human world calls idols, right?

It’s still Bairan who always bothers him when he goes to Feng. Whatever you tell him, Jiang Liu is his idol! That's what super idols mean.

After Yan Zhuo ordered Yu Qilin to watch the door, his ears were clean. Of course, it could be said that it was because Bai Ran got married and had no time to come out. I heard that he rarely visited the Underworld.

"Does the emperor think it is feasible?"

"Sending a **** to assassinate a child is not in line with the identity. Is it still necessary to negotiate?"

Nightmare Zhuo was a little tired from standing, looking at the pale emperor of Qi, slowly said,

He rarely travels to the capital, let alone standing, mainly because his current identity really makes himself a senior old god! The better name is Gu Zunshen, he is a little older than Bai Ran!

Of course, it’s polite to say something. He is more than Bairan back and forth. Many gods in the heavens don’t even know his name. All I know is that there is a ghost emperor who guards evil beasts and evil gods. Show people, don't know.

The Emperor Fengdu has witnessed the three changes of dynasties in the heavens and three new generations of new monarchs!

"Indeed, what the officials said is that this matter will be discussed later!"

"No, no need to discuss, retreat!"

Tian Yao's eyes saw the Emperor Fengdu Nightmare Burning King, Pluto Mingyan, Fox Emperor Bairan, smiling at the corners of his mouth, shouting to retreat.

It’s just that Tian Yao’s laughter did not reach the bottom of his eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Then look at the twenty-eight stars and other old gods. After being beaten by the twenty-eight stars, the other old gods even talked directly. Dare not say.

Tian Yao was even more speechless, and then walked away.

"Then let's go, too, old bones, stand for a while, waist aches, back pain, have to go back and pull out a little beast, give me a massage!"

Nightmare Zhuo looked at the expression of Tian Yao leaving, there was no fluctuation in his eyes, but he sighed in his heart that the Emperor of Heaven is no better than one this time.

Then he glanced at the veterans who hadn't separated, and said unintentionally.

I saw the few who were close, and saw Emperor Fengdu detour in an instant, so I didn't dare to look.

What is suppressed by Fengdu, can it be released casually?

Everyone thought that Emperor Fengdu really let out a massage for themselves, thinking about that picture instantly became energetic, and they didn't dare to look at him.

Ming Yan glanced at Nightmare Burning, feeling a little helpless. Was this stupid without contact with outsiders before? Now that I have come into contact with Bai Ran, I have completely released myself, dare to say anything.

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