Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2495: : The poor man

Kong Bo stood under Tian Yao's hands, conditioning his body for Tian Yao, looking at Tian Yao's appearance, he didn't know he thought he was dead.

Kong Bo is a little bit dissatisfied, or that from the time of change, Kong Bo has become more and more disappointed with the powers of the heavens. One is not as good as the other. With such powers, Kong Bo can also say about the future development of the heavens. Did not have any expectations at all.

In addition, Kong Bo's state of mind has also changed now. I don't know when it will start. He has never been involved in the trivial matters of the Three Realms and Six Paths. The generations of medical immortal families who are focused on seeking medical advice have changed their taste.

It's not that Kong Bo has any ambitions, but the only regret in his heart has become unwilling.

After all, it is destiny.

"Do you think I still look like an emperor?"

"Doctor, can you forget the past medicine? It prevents me from suffering so much. Hongye died because of me. I am too incompetent. I can't persuade the queen to protect her!"

Originally, when Tian Yao took the position of prince, he was still very conscientious, and the whole person was also full of energy, but today, he did not expect that he would be defeated by the person who once protected him most.

Even the controlled one can't protect even a person he likes.

Finally, he left in such a tragic manner.

This incident really hit Tian Yao a bit harder.

Tian Yao knows the rules of the Peacock clan, and because of this, everyone likes the Peacock clan. No matter who they are, they will give three points of face because they are a good listener and are not afraid to go out and talk nonsense.

In front of them, I can commit some identity temporarily and relax temporarily.

"Tiandi, you are still young, who can tell the future with accuracy?"

"Everything now is just a test for you."

Kong Bo heard Tian Yao talking to him, and he had lost his identity. He was a little surprised.

This heavenly emperor believed in himself more than he thought.

Kong Bo's eyes flashed faintly, and then he looked thoughtful, as if he was thinking something.

"However, if you forget the past medicine, Weichen really does it, but the effect is not necessarily. According to the mood and perseverance of the person taking the medicine, the degree of obsession with things you want to forget."

"So this medicine varies from person to person, and Weichen can't guarantee the effect."

Although Kong Bo was disdainful of Tian Yao in his heart, he still did a good job on the surface.

After all, the Peacock clan has had a lot of face for so many years, and it is also the face of the head family.

Although Tian Yao didn't hold his identity on the surface, he still minded it in his heart.

Therefore, Kong Bo's words are very popular with Tian Yao.

Such a person is very comfortable to put around.

At the same time, the level of trust in Kong Bo is greatly reduced.

But Tian Yao didn't know that Kong Bo wanted such trust.

Tian Yao did not expect that one day he would still be ruined in the hands of trust.

Tian Yao thought he would be unwilling, but in the end found that that moment was his most relaxing moment.

From childhood to adulthood, Tian Yao has done a lot of harder because he is the aunt but not the eldest.

Once he was just a child who was loved by his father and loved by his mother.

But everything is a luxury after all.

Although his mother has compassion and love for him, it is more severe. As for the father, only one of his prostitutes made his face.

His father never loved him.

Even if he was paving the way for the ninth brother, the fourth child who pretended to love him was the fourth one, and Tian Yao had never received any pretended love.

So, everyone is a poor person, and no one wants to get to this point.

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