Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2659: : Containing Meizhuang

Hua Sheng was about to answer the little daughter's words, but suddenly heard a "bang" and the door opened!

Frightened and joyful, she hugged her mother in an instant, looking at the door with red eyes.

Chang'an was not afraid, but got up with a bad look, turned his head and looked at the door.

Jasmine was originally anxious, but she ran into something as soon as she left the house, so she hurriedly returned to report, but she was too anxious, and her voice became louder, scaring the little lady...

Young Master's eyes were too scary, and Jasmine instantly remembered the fear that Chang An had when he was born.

Fortunately, Hua Sheng got up and walked in front of Jasmine in his arms, and helped her up, only then did Jasmine react.

"What's the matter? Speak slowly, don't be afraid."

"Hey, don't be afraid. Mom and brother are both here."

Hua Sheng was soothing joy, and soothing Jasmine, suddenly wondering why he was surrounded by children?

"Miss, it's not good!"

"Auntie's parents rushed over with a group of people. There were more than a dozen black cars, and all the big guys got off!"

"The leader is my aunt's parents. I just went out and heard the movement before I opened the door. They were aggressive. My aunt's parents also said..."

"Say that today is... to kill you, and you have to take you and your two children back to the old house of the Jiang family... No, you can't be allowed to stay outside..."

Jasmine didn’t dare to say the last sentence, but seeing Hua Sheng’s eyes slowly changed, she dared not say it. Besides, I didn’t know if it was an illusion. When she was hesitant to say it all, the young master was also the same. With a cold face, he raised his neck and motioned to continue talking?

But even so, Jasmine still didn't dare to say all the last words. The last thing Jiang Liu's parents said was that Hua Sheng should not be embarrassed outside...

Jasmine didn't even get out of the door. She heard the noise first. She was still wondering how could this place be so noisy?

Then I looked along the crack of the door, I really didn't know it, and I was shocked.

The gates of the entire Meizhuang were no longer enclosed enough, people were standing behind them. The rough filter estimated that there were already more than a dozen black cars. A tall, tall, scared Jasmine inserted the door again, and then ran back quickly. .

"Mom? Afraid..."

Jasmine said too much at a time, and Joy couldn't understand it. Today's vocabulary is a bit more than Joy's little head.

Although I didn't understand, Joy could feel Jasmine's fear factor, and then she was a little scared.

Holding Hua Sheng's neck tightly, he didn't dare to move.

"Not afraid, it's okay! Joy."

"Jasmine, they can't come in, so what should they do!"

"Come on, mom will take you to a movie!"

When Hua Sheng heard what Jasmine said, he probably knew what it meant. His expression didn't change much. In the past, because of the river flow, he could still be cautious about it, not wanting the river flow to be embarrassed, now?

Sorry, just do whatever love is! What she wants, no one else can control!

As for Hua Sheng so sure that they couldn't get in, that was justified, and Feng Xi's formation began to work.

Others don't know, Hua Sheng still knows. At first, he wanted Fengxi to set up a formation, just thinking, if something like this happened someday, he had a precaution, I didn't expect it to be used so soon.

Hua Sheng didn’t panic at all for the outside yelling. The phone kept ringing. It was Jiang Liu’s mother. Hua Sheng didn’t care, holding joy, holding Chang’an, and her little Jasmine was sitting on the sofa watching a movie. ...

There was a shout outside, laughter in the room...

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