Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2696: : All selfish

Of course, if you can ignore the small hand of Changan's fist, it will be more convincing.

Maybe everyone really believes that Chang'an can control themselves, and releasing Chang'an doesn't necessarily mean releasing the tiger to the mountain.

Especially Feng Xi, looking at Changan's forbearance, really had to laugh.

Of course she couldn't bear it in the end and just laughed.

If in normal times, Feng Xi sees Chang'an that is so tolerant, he would really be grateful that he has such resilience at a young age, and future actions are indispensable.

As long as you are optimistic and don't skew, you will surely have a great future.

Feng Xi will be proud of this, and she will have high hopes in Chang'an.

But now, in today's situation, Chang'an's forbearance is to tell Feng Xi brightly and tell everyone that he will definitely come back.

Just like on TV, whoever I am, will snow today’s shame...

Chang'an, a one-year-old child, is in this state now.

Even if everyone has never watched TV, they are not blind and can see it.

Because Chang'an's eyes were too obvious.

Feng Xi is not afraid that he will seek revenge on himself, but he is afraid that Changan will make mistakes again...

But looking at Hua Sheng with joy, Feng Xi no longer thinks that he is a villain. He is completely a villain!

Could it be that she has lived for more than 20 years and only found out today that she is holding the villain script?

Now that even Jiang Liu recognizes it, what can Feng Xi say?

She wanted to insist that Hua Sheng's dangling knife was not to scare people.

"Patriarch, you can think about it, letting the tiger go back to the mountain, there must be future troubles!"

"Now that you have a clear mind, haven't you asked if you live in your hometown?"

"He didn't hide anything from you, what did the overlord of the Demon Realm do..."

Qing Feng and the White Wolf King saw that Feng Xi had been shaken, and hurriedly shouted beside them.

If Feng Xi recognized it, it would really be over.

Who knows what kind of demon Zhanyue is, the Three Realms and the Six Paths don't know, just because it is clear, he would rather kill by mistake than let it go.

Otherwise, when Changan was a baby, how could the assassination never stop?

It just failed!

When I was only skeptical, I wanted to kill. Now Chang'an has exposed his abilities. Demon Qi is the breath of the pure Demon Realm. Can this be fake?

Now the various circles haven't come over yet, but they have been stunned. They haven't reacted yet. It's only a matter of time before the pursuit and killing.

Who knows if Fengxi will be involved?

Forgive them, all I think about at this time is Fengxi! Everyone has selfish motives, and they just want the owner to live well! It is enough for her to become immortals and Dao, even if they have a mortal heart because they have not fulfilled their obligations, they can't become immortals and Dao with Feng Xi, that doesn't matter!

As long as the Patriarch can live, as for the road below Fengxi, they will pave her, even if they use a despicable heart, they will not hesitate to violate the ancestral motto of the Feng family!

Qingfeng has the same idea as the White Wolf King. Hua Sheng is very good and strong, and he is also very good to Fengxi. The relationship between the two is better, but although the Qingfengs are ghosts, they are also interested.

Including the White Wolf King, they all remember Feng Xi’s sacrifice at the Fountain of Eternity...

Feng Xi didn't even want his life for Hua Sheng, and even died. Feng Xi has given enough in this friendship.

It's really enough. They have even given their lives. They can't say whether they have any grievances against Hua Sheng. The only hope is that Feng Xi will live well.

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