Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2698: : That little selfishness

Qin Wanyu said that it was not a fake, but he knew in his heart that it was not the first day that he met Fengxi, and she was not the wife of his choice.

What is there to say?

As long as Feng Xi doesn't regret it.

Today, Qin Wanyu has also seen a lot.

Of course, it cannot be denied that Qin Wanyu's mood is related to forgetting Fengxi's death.

However, Qin Wanyu just doesn't remember now, and can't force him to think.

Besides, according to Qin Wanyu's words, he really thought a lot.

It all thought of the family going to death together! It can be seen that Qin Wanyu really thought a lot in his head.

As for Chang'an, what Qin Wanyu said was also serious.

Treating Chang'an, Qin Wanyu has never failed to live up to his heart. Although he speaks of disgust, but in front of a person who is looking forward to and dreaming of having a child of himself and his beloved one, this child really takes him too much. Work hard.

At that time, Qin Wanyu had already thought about it, and even decided that if Jiang Liu really didn't want it, he would formally adopt it, including Joy, he could raise it as his own child.

With his surname Qin, he doesn't mind.

Qin Wanyu even contacted relevant laws and really wanted to give Changan a complete home.

He even went home to find the genealogy, and found the words that should be in the name of his next generation, Qin Wanyu's next generation should be called Qin Meng.

Qin Wanyu even looked for a lot of names, even the Qin family’s parents thought they would finally have news, and they were excited for a long time...

It can be said how much Qin Wanyu has put in Chang'an. Fengxi is about the same. At that time, Fengxi and Qin Wanyu thought that this child was afraid of everyone and would definitely become sensitive when he grows up. Moreover, he is very sensitive now, try his best. Is good to him.

Let Chang'an feel that no one likes him.

Therefore, Qin Wanyu really understands Fengxi's entanglement, and this is coupled with Hua Sheng's suicide!

It can also be said that Feng Xi is reluctant to Chang'an and is comparable to Hua Sheng, but Feng Xi has a little more sense of reason.

She knew very well what she would face in the future if she acquiesced in today.

By default, Chang'an is different today, and everything will change in the future.

At this moment, it was not Qin Wanyu who made the decision in place of Feng Xi, but Feng Xi had been shaken by himself.

It's just looking cold on the outside.

"Fengxi, don't hesitate, if we wait any longer, it may not be our decision!"

Qin Wanyu looked at Qingfeng's wide-open eyes and smiled lightly. He knew what they thought, but what could he do?

He didn't think about becoming immortal and enlightened, as long as Feng Xi was ashamed of his heart.

In the future, don't always think about it and feel sorry for Hua Sheng.

After all, Feng Xi did more than this for Huasheng.

And they also have feelings for Chang'an in their hearts. They don't want to watch Chang'an something happen. Sending it away is a gamble, and it doesn't make any difference to let it go. Since it's all a gamble, then the casino is big!

Forgive me again, Qin Wanyu is also an ordinary person, so what comfort the people of Jiangcheng, the Three Realms and Six Ways?

What does it have to do with him? He is a small person. Now that he is asked to make such a big decision, he cannot bear Qin Wanyu!

"White Wolf King! Come back, today, you have never been here!"

Feng Xi finally shouted out this sentence with a smile.

But laughter is just an expression.

Now Feng Xi really doesn't know what to use to express...

It turns out that she is also a layman, but in the end she can't endure the little selfishness in her heart!

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