Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2714: : No real body

Kong Bo was a little bit uncontrollable, these things were pressing in his heart these years, and it was really going to crush him.

Everyone says that he doesn't like to communicate with others, and he only wants to save people and cure diseases?

But he wanted to be less sinful. Although he didn't kill those people personally, the cause was all because of him.

Over the years, Kong Bo has been saving, saving, saving...

He is also afraid.

But if you do, you can't regret it. With today's status, he won't regret it either.

"You admit it?"

"Acknowledge that you were the one who caused the battle between the Miao and the Nightmare, and then informed that the Miao attacked the Nightmare..."

"The Yun clan will lead the troops to destroy the Miao clan and force the Miao clan into the demon world."

"Now he has poisoned the Emperor of Heaven again, manipulating the Emperor of Heaven."

"What do you want to do? Not reconciled to the status of the Peacocks? Want to take the heavens into your bag?"

Nightmare Zhuo asked unintentionally while shaking the chains of his hands and feet.

Between raising his eyes, it seems calm, as if it can penetrate people's hearts.

When Nightmare Zhuo crossed his hands, there was a creak between the bones.

"So what?"

"Do you think I admit it, so what can I do? Want you to die and understand?"

"Then I tell you, as you said, I am not reconciled! So I did some tricks, and who knew it would all die? I just wanted your father to die! But who would think that things got worse and the Miao people were destroyed. Nightmare clan, you have been run away?"

"If the Miao people do such a big thing, if they stay in the heavens, it will be a disaster. They can only continue to blow their ears to the emperor. In the end, they will be dead, wounds, like mice on the ground, hidden in the devil world. In fact, you can't completely blame me , If it wasn't for the emperor's suspiciousness that day, and he had the heart to destroy your nightmare clan, how could he send you? I know you two clan can't handle it.

"You don't want to think about the nature of your Nightmare Clan? Unless you are killed with a single blow, no matter how badly you are injured, you can recover as long as you have grievances!"

"There are no natural enemies, and the speed of reproduction is faster than that of any species. If you are willing, a new nightmare race will have been formed in these years, but fortunately, your mind is not here, otherwise, you will not live today."

"Faced with a population like yours, do you think that the emperor of the past will stay? What if you have a conspiracy to do it? It is already a problem in your heart, just like the extinct mermaid clan, beautiful appearance of the three realms and six realms , The bewitching singing voice is really a disaster, things that you can't control naturally can't be kept, but on the surface it's magnificent..."

"The last emperor is suspicious, and now this one is thin and cool again. Even if his wife is dead, she can keep her secret and keep her secret. Such a person, even if I don’t kill you today, you will be cold sooner or later, and there will be Mingyan, Bairan, you It's too nosy, some people have long seen you not pleasing to your eyes!"

"Are you able to worship with peace of mind now? Finally, peace of mind to die!"

Kong Bo said so much somehow.

Probably because he knew that there were no other people here, only three of them, and he was not afraid of others hearing it.

The things that have been accumulated in my heart for many years have been spoken out of my mind today.

Saying this to a dying person is no problem.

But when it comes to the beauty of the mermaid family, Kong Bo is still a bit pity, after all, it is really beautiful. In his opinion, everyone says that the Nine Heavens Profound Girl Empress is a figure of dust and a country, but she is still not a mermaid. The beauty of the princess.

"It seems that you understand my clan habits very well, but you seem to have forgotten that I don't have a real body, but I don't have a real body."

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