Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 274: : The responsibility of love

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Bai Hao felt more worried when he heard this, and he was a little nervous.

"Xiao Lin, I don't regret it. Really, you give me a chance, no matter what the result is, we will face it together."

Hua Lin was entangled in her heart. She liked Bai Hao very much and always wanted to marry him.

So both of them were anxious three times before and five times. Even if they were arguing, they had to see each other. It was better than pretending to be a stranger.

But now, after learning of her condition, Hua Lin suddenly deflated.

Maybe people are pessimistic at this time, although the result has not yet come out, but she has already thought about the bad things.

Therefore, because she likes Bai Hao, she doesn't want to drag her down. She really doesn't want to go by herself. Bai Hao is also infamous.

So after another tangle, she took off the ring.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to marry you now. The ring is too small to match my status as Miss Qianjin."

After finishing talking, Hualin don't look too far to see Bai Hao's face.

Bai Hao was unimpressed. He also knew that Hua Lin said at this time that he intentionally angered him and made him retreat.

So I picked up the ring and put it on again, "This is a bit small, but it doesn't matter. I strive to make money and get a bigger one. I didn't like going to part-time jobs before, just wanting to be a policeman is really not self-motivated. Well, I will look at it after work in the future, and then find some flexibility to make money, and I will work hard to support you."

Hua Lin finally couldn't hold back, and tears fell...

She was a little sad and a little relieved.

Sadly, at this moment of happiness, I am in this situation. I don't know what happens in the future?

It is gratifying that after all, he has not misunderstood people, Bai Hao is indeed a worthy trust for life. This society is so realistic, most men will know that their girlfriend is sick, and will choose to give up in the face of the huge medical expenses and illness, but Bai Hao will come to the door at this time, even if it is dragged by her and bears the second marriage and widow, Also determined to get married.

"Don't cry, the result hasn't come out yet, you are so kind and should not be treated like this, I will always be with you as long as you don't dislike me for being such a mediocre person."

Bai Hao's tone was unprecedentedly gentle, and the moment he bought the diamond ring, he thought about the decision.

He also believed that he would persuade his parents that even if Hua Lin was really lung cancer, he could only live for ten days and a half months, and he did not regret his decision.

Hua Lin looked at the beloved man in front of her eyes in tears, mixed feelings.

"Baihao, I don't need your sympathy, you really don't have to be like this."

"No, this is not sympathy, this is my responsibility, the responsibility of love, for you, it is a sweet burden. Xiao Lin, my mouth is stupid, and I don't say too many nice words, but I believe you know, also I can feel that I love you, really love. It turns out that my previous cowardice, I will never run again...never run again."

Bai Hao still regrets why he gave up Hualin because of that poor self-esteem.

Almost made him lose the last chance to have her.

Hua Lin took a breath, and finally said nothing, didn't promise Bai Hao, but she never refused.

When Bai Hao came out, Hua Lin had taken medicine and was asleep.

It was already half past one in the morning and Hua Sheng was still there. She was sitting on the bench at the door with Chun Tao beside her.

"Hua Sheng, thank you, my proposal was successful."

Hua Sheng was slightly shocked...

"I bought a diamond ring for her, I proposed, no matter how the result came out, and no matter how many people opposed, I planned to marry her, I can not give her glory and wealth, but also can guarantee her life without worry, in short, I will not miss it again ."

Bai Hao's move this time made Hua Sheng take a look at it.

"Okay, I'm a bridesmaid." Hua Sheng only responded.

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