Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2792: :Eternal kingdom

But Xiyue didn't dare to say it, or she didn't dare to mention it now, so she could only look at Chang'an. Xiyue wanted to mention it when Chang'an looked better.

If Chang An knows the idea of ​​joy, he might say, "I really thank you. Do you have to make him feel bad when he is in a good mood?"

It's a pity that Changan couldn't hear it, and didn't think deeply about the emotions of joy. He only thought about what Huasheng was. Besides, Xi Le is really a good boy. He always tried his best to smile, not for anything else, just for the family to watch and feel relieved .

Just like now, when Changan sees Xi Le nodding her head cleverly, of course she understands that it means to like, and the appearance of her eating cakes, Chang'an is even more relieved.

He knew this girl was best to coax.

Then only Hua Sheng was left.

Chang An looked at Hua Sheng expectantly, waiting for her reaction, but didn't want to see Hua Sheng so calm, not even astonished when he saw them grow up just now.

Listening to Hua Sheng's plain tone, Chang'an's excitement was also suppressed a lot, but Chang'an didn't show it, still working hard and smiling.

"I don't know if this place belongs to the human world, but if my mother wants to, this place can also become the human world! It's also the human world."

"But the previous human world is not as beautiful here."

"This is the last pure land in this world! It is also an eternal country. Our family can stay here forever. No one has just interrupted and no one can separate our family of three again!"

"Is this bad? Isn't it what you always wanted?"

"Mother, I still remember how you told those people that night, you said, as long as you let them let me go, you will take us away forever, won't show up next to them, let alone affect anyone!"

"Now I have done it, and I have discovered a place like this where people outside will not disturb us, and I will not affect anyone!"

"Is there anything else you are not satisfied with?"

Chang'an worked hard and smiled, for fear of hearing Hua Sheng's rejection, or even unwillingness.

What is the meaning of his existence?

For Chang'an, Hua Sheng and Xi Le are his last salvation. Everyone in this world who sees him either wants to kill him, or wants to use him, and others just pity him...

Only Hua Sheng is different. When everyone abandons him, she will save him with death, and protect him when she is far away from home...

Changan really only has Huasheng.

If he doesn't like the Huasheng he makes, then Changan really doesn't know what to do, let alone what else he can do?

Do you really want to become a demon and dominate the same as those people say?

But such days are too lonely, and Changan doesn't want to be alone.

Even if he is a demon, he wants to be a demon loved by his mother.

"The last pure land? The eternal kingdom? What exactly is this place?"

"Chang'an, tell me! What happened to the human world? What happened to the outside world? This is not the enchantment you set up?"

When Hua Sheng heard what Chang'an said, he really became more frightened. It is undeniable that this place is beautiful, but the important information inside cannot be concealed. It is indeed not the human world, and there is something wrong with the outside world!

The river, where are they Fengxi? How is it?

Hua Sheng looked at Chang'an, really no longer a child, even his voice was decisive, even stubborn, he was reminding himself of what he said, and even his decision.

When did Changan become like this?

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