Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2828: : Go out quietly

Hua Sheng looked outside and didn't know when he would return to the dark sky. With the night, he walked out the door lightly, holding a jug of wine left by Zhanyue after disappearing.

Hua Sheng pushed the door and looked around. Actually, there was no need to look for it, because Chang'an had never left at all and kept taking it outside.

Changan stayed outside this illusory ten-mile spring breeze, guarding Huasheng, with a serious, but inexplicably weird expression. He looked into the distance and didn’t know what he was thinking. From a distance, he looked like a idiot, still a serious little one. fool.

Those who didn't know thought that the child was thinking about something big, his little head was held in his hands, and his fleshy face was about to be deformed by himself.

Chang'an came back soon. Although Hua Sheng promised to find a place to practice, the aura here is abundant, Chang'an is not an ordinary demon, and the aura is absorbed the same, so it is not only good for joy, but Chang'an can also.

It’s just that Chang’an walked with joy to the place with the deepest spiritual power in the Seventy-Two Fantasy Realm, and it was also the center of the Seventy-Two Fantasy Realm. Before Chang’an had brought Huasheng and Joy came in, it was still a small world. Although it is also an illusion, it is also the deepest spiritual power in the middle, but it is difficult to find, just like a maze.

Now that Changan has disrupted everything here, the center is easy to find, of course, under the premise that you can come in.

The center of the seventy-two illusion is like the midpoint of a maze, overlooking the overall situation, and touching this midpoint, the pattern of the seventy-two illusion will also change, which is why Changan can easily change this place and bring the seventy-two illusion Re-disrupt and reorganize.

Outsiders think that Chang'an is powerful, but they don’t know that Seventy-Two Fantasy Realm has its own tricks, but other people don’t know it. It can also be said that it looks like a maze, but it is not. The midpoint is also the end point. Finding one is the ending. Disorganized, in fact, it only covers a layer of maze of sand. With a light blow, you can also find the door, and you can even find out that there is a cave.

Now Chang'an has placed joy here, absorbing the greatest aura in the entire 72nd Illusion Realm, just like the springs of spring water, flowing continuously, or the kind that never stops...

Chang'an placed Xi Le and was relieved. Then she turned around and left. Xi Le took him to ask what he wanted, but Chang An didn't say anything. He just smiled faintly and patted her. This time he looked like a big brother, but Chang An The emotions in the eyes are joy incomprehensible.

"Brother, what are you going to do? Didn't we promise mom to find a place to practice? Mom wants to take a rest, we all agreed to her."

Xi Le didn't have time to think about anything when Chang'an turned and left. She stretched out her hand to hold him, and even used some strength to say that Chang'an would not be allowed to leave.

The look in her eyes was bewildering, why she couldn't understand Chang'an's thinking more and more?

Didn’t you agree just now? How did it change again in a blink of an eye? She is indeed completely on Chang'an's side now, thinking that no matter what, she must protect the family, and what sentient beings are not what she wants to consider.

She was just an ordinary person, although she had some unexpected abilities, in her opinion, it was only for her brother.

But now I don’t know how I am happy, and I’m always worried when I see Chang’an’s behavior.

Especially when Chang'an put her here alone, and then left, and when he was leaving, did he reach out and pat his head?

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