Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 301: :Princess is back

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Feng Yu also wept silently on the side, and the family really broke their hearts.

After crying, Xie Dongyao gradually calmed down.

"Yaoyao, what the **** did you experience?" Xie Yun felt distressed to her girl and felt very uncomfortable.

Xie Dongyao's eyes were a little confused, and he tried to recall what happened these days.

"Dad, to be honest, I only remember what happened when I first arrived in Nepal... I can’t remember the back... My classmates go to Nepal every year because they are Buddhist believers, and it’s fine for three years. I think I went with her this time because I was under a lot of pressure before the exam, so I wanted to make a wish. When the first day arrived, we both stayed in the hotel and went out to eat. Later, a local woman approached us and chatted well with my friends , Also said to take us to the most spiritual temple."

"You actually believe in strangers." Xie Dongyang frowned slightly, quite dissatisfied.

Anyway, it is also an adult. The 20-year-old girl is now walking with a stranger.

"You have heard the little girl finish." Xie Dongze hurriedly stopped Xie Dongyang from letting him say more.

Xie Dongyao lowered his head, trying to think about what happened that day, and then said, "I started to be guarded, but I thought it should be fine during the day. So the woman and the driver on the road gave us water, and neither my friend nor I drank After reaching the temple, she took us to worship, everything went well, and the monk wrote us an amulet with blessings. My friend was very happy and invited them to dinner, the woman said there was a special feature nearby, let us try For a moment, I remember it was a plate... grabbing beef, I only took a bite, and the rest of the things...I don't remember all."

"Then when did you recover your mind?" Feng Yu asked.

"It has always been yesterday that someone rescued me and took me a shot after leaving, before I woke up and found out that I have been missing in Nepal for so long."

"God, it's terrible." Feng Yu was terrified.

If it were not for Xie Dongyao, she really thought that these would only happen in the novel.

"What's the matter? Hypnosis?" Xie Dongze was also confused.

Xie Dongyang actually knew a few things while chatting with Qin Wanyu, so he speculated, "There is a cult in Nepal that is rampant, and their cultists have a psychedelic potion in their hands. The locals call it obedient water, you drink it. After it is lost, it will lose its mind. Whatever people tell you to do, you will have no ability to resist. I heard that there were hundreds of tourists who were hit by this potion last year, most of them were robbed of cash and banks. Cards and even mobile phone code scanning payments are very rampant, but Yaoyao is more dangerous. They don’t value Yaoyao’s money. They use her as a sacrifice."

"Sacrifice?" Xie Yun and his wife also took a breath.

Afterwards, Xie Dongyang only briefly explained what Qin Wanyu told him, and the situation was consistent with what Xie Dongyao himself said.

Probably, after being taken away by those cult members, Xie Dongyao and her female classmates were transferred to a very important den of the cult.

Then wait for the sacrifice to the sky inside, and the girl who went with her may be killed by someone who was cruelly killed for some reason and did not meet the provisions of the sacrifice.

Xie Dongyao was so desperate that he had been rescued and sent home by Qin Wanyu's people before waiting for the sacrifice.

"Second brother, my classmate is dead?" Xie Dongyao's eyes widened, like a lightning strike, he couldn't believe it.

"Yes, she died a week ago. When the body was found, it was terrible."

Xie Dongyao was pale and scared...

"Qin Wanyu said, because your classmates are not perfect, they do not meet the needs of sacrifices, they are regarded as filthy women by those cultists, so they are killed after being violated... And you escaped because you clean yourself. "

Xie Dongyao's three views have been shattered. Where would she think that because she is a virgin, she can survive, but her classmates...

"Dongyang, why do you say that? Seeing your sister scared." Mrs. Xie hugged her daughter in a hug.

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