Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3290: : Don't dig

Although Qin Wanyu's memory of the Huasheng family is confusing, Feng Wuming's real intention can be regarded as clear.

And Qin Wanyu could probably guess what Lai Fengxi would choose.

Then all he can do is default.

He is just a Muggle, he doesn't understand anything, and doesn't want to understand, the world of these people is really too much trouble...

"Actually, if you don't tell me, I guess you would choose this way."

"Everyone has their own intentions. I feel that this matter is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface. If you want to continue to manage and bring justice, it is good, I have no objection, and I can't object, but I wonder if you can think about it. What about Xiaobao?"

Qin Wanyu did not turn his head, sat on the sofa with his back to Fengxi, and whispered.

But Qin Wanyu's tone would have become much calmer.

The question about Feng Xi is more like a statement.

He didn't stop what Fengxi wanted to do, but at the last moment, he took out Xiaobao, hoping Fengxi would consider it carefully.

If something really happened to the Feng Family, would it really have no effect on Xiao Bao?

Qin Xiaobao is just his nickname, his name is Feng, and it is not easy to be called Feng!

It is also the preparatory Patriarch of the Feng Family, the next candidate, when Xiao Bao grows up a little bit, he will start to have formal contact with everything about the Feng Family, everything he faces...

Could it be that at that time, let Qin Xiaobao come into contact with a devastated Feng Family?

No one will say what Feng Family has gone through before. People in this world will only choose shortcomings to say, and in the end they will only become, Qin Xiaobao will bring Feng Family to a situation where they cannot afford to pay.

Qin Xiaobao also became the "subjugated monarch."

Everything will be counted on him and Feng Xi's child.

How can Qin Wanyu feel relieved?

He regressed, although he didn't really expect Qin Xiaobao to inherit everything from the Feng Family, but at least, he couldn't watch his child become a man of the pot?

Just before he has the right to choose?

Everything is so pressed on him?

Qin Wanyu was really unwilling.

So the last time he asked Feng Xi, did he really have to go to this point?

"Why do you think so?"

"What does this have to do with Xiaobao?"

"If the Feng family's problem is not dealt with, it will become a rotten scar, which will eventually grow bigger..."

"Like back then...At that time, everyone did not choose to cover up, but took it out to solve it. Faced with it, I don't think there will be today's problems, right?"

"But if today's problem continues to be unresolved, what Qin Xiaobao will face in the future will be more serious wounds. Since this is the case, how can I let my child bear it?"

"Before him, I managed the Feng Family well, and he will accept a brand new Feng Family!"

Feng Xi walked in front of Qin Wanyu, her tone a little unbelievable, she didn't expect Qin Wanyu to have such thoughts?

In the end, that was Feng Xi's true thoughts.

She didn't look like that on the outside, she really didn't care about anything.

Feng Xi really cares!

"Then how can you be sure that you can handle it? Instead of making this scar bigger and bigger?"

"Fengxi, you will always be so confident, but over the years, you take a good look at many things, is it really as you wish?"

"It's rare to be confused. Many people around us have problems, but who will really keep digging?"

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