Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3310: : Pulling bones and tendons

Bai Xiaoqing, Bai Xiaocheng heard that Bai Ran was going to give Shili Chunfeng a "gift", and then they wanted to go ahead to congratulate him.

But they missed one sentence. Bairan meant to wait until three years later.

That is Chi Feng, Wan Feng comes of age.

Unexpectedly, his two children didn't hear the whole eavesdropping, and they would go there first if they entangled Chi Feng directly. Bairan thought about it, and just walked around, and said nothing.

But no one thought that the human world would seem uneasy.

"The books of the Heaven Realm are really too boring. I'm not as good as my aunt. Tell my father, let us brothers come to the Human Realm to study?"

"Then we can study with Sister Fairy, and we can see my aunt after school. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds."

Bai Xiaocheng didn't care about so many things. When he heard his brother's words, he suddenly didn't want to go. He didn't want to leave. Then he rolled his eyes and stayed here by taking advantage of the obscure book of Heaven.

That's really great.

As for the father and mother, Bai Xiaocheng didn't seem to think there was any problem.

After all, don’t worry about him, presumably the parents’ level should be easy, right?

"Have you forgotten something? The human world is learning the history and civilization of the human world. What you two want to learn is all the things of the three realms and six paths? Spells and spells are compulsory courses. These teachers of the human world cannot teach Yes, at a young age, you start to feel bitter and tired? Or do you think your parents will agree?"

"Since you are so unhappy, it's actually not impossible. It's better to remove the immortal roots, pull out the gods, and be a mortal. You can do nothing."

As soon as he finished speaking in Bai Xiaocheng, before Hua Sheng said anything, a male voice suddenly hit the back of Bai Xiaocheng's head.

Suddenly the two children changed their faces.

Because the person who said this is not someone else, it is Bairan.

Their old father.

I saw Bai Ran slowly appearing from mid-air, looking at his prodigal son with contempt, and then nodded towards Jiang Liu Huasheng, which was regarded as a hello, but his son really made him feel bad. Up.

How can you be so disgusted? As for the words of removing the fairy roots and pulling out the gods, they are just words to scare them.

But it was obviously frightened, because both Bai Xiaoqing and Bai Xiaocheng had one thing in common. They were extremely afraid of pain. As soon as they removed the fairy roots and the gods, the faces of the two little dolls suddenly appeared. The expression of pain.

Suddenly I feel that the books of the heavens are not something you can't learn with a humility...

"Father, we just sighed for a while. After playing for a few days, we will go back and listen to Mr.'s class. Don't be angry... It was our aunt and uncle who came here to watch my uncle."

Bai Xiaocheng was still very calm, knowing that his father was not real, but he was frightened because he felt helpless when he heard that they were not studying well.

But Bai Xiaocheng must admit that his father was absolutely frightened.

Even if you know that it is fake, think about what it takes to get rid of the roots of the immortals and the nerves, not the bones and tendons, it hurts much.

Even so hated to scare them, Bai Xiaocheng worried that his father and grandfather would scare Uncle Chifeng in the same way.

They were still waiting to play with Uncle Chi Feng, so he had better talk.

When it is time to protect her, she must be protected. Bai Xiaoqing doesn't feel that being outside, her face is important...

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