Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3320: : Make up for regrets

Time to answer the moment when Feng Xi and Feng Wuming met, that is, when they separated from Hua Sheng under the moat.

Feng Family Ancestral House.

Feng Xi didn't delay time, and directly used the things in the ancestors. When he had to, he summoned the formation of Feng Family as the Patriarch.

To activate this formation, Feng Xi needs to consume a lot of spiritual power, which makes Feng Xi, who has little spiritual power, suddenly feels a little worse.

But obviously, at this time, Feng Xi is not the one to care about.

Feng Xi felt the disappearance of spiritual power, and the nameless spiritual card in front of her shook slightly, and finally she suddenly fell into mist, and she was forced to enter the illusory world.

Feng Wuming is dead, unable to appear in the human world through normal channels, and Feng Xi can't go to the underworld safely. The two people want to meet and only need a medium.

Now this illusory world is like the world of wind and dreams.

"In order to see me, you are really willing."

"Don't you know what the situation is now? You gave birth to a child dangerously, do you think that you can really recover only with Hua Sheng's aura?"

"You still need your own repair. Where can it be so fast? You are a human, how do you compare with Hua Sheng? Don't you feel it? Your body has long been overwhelmed by your long-term overdrawn spiritual power, but now In his thirties, he has gray hair, and his body is no longer as smart as before..."

"Now in order to get an answer, still hurting yourself?"

Feng Wuming looked at Feng Xi like this, and said it was fake if he didn't feel heartache. He couldn't wait to shoot Feng Xi to death, so as not to wait for Feng Xi to die young.

According to her current situation, Qin Wanyu must not survive.

Feng Xi’s body is not as full of spiritual power as before, and Feng Xi may also be the most miserable Patriarch of the Feng Family. No, it can’t be Feng Xi. If you really want to say it is miserable, you should include his brother, Feng Wumian. .

"I don't want to hear this. I want to hear the truth. There are more this morning. I don't know if it was the previous injury or last night."

"I don't know if more people will die if I wait for a day."

"If such things happen every day while I am alive, it would be a sin for me to live longer."

"I can't do anything, I can only watch the death toll component of the daily news rise? Faster than my blood pressure!"

"If you still don’t say it, don’t blame me. I have no other choice but to find a way by myself. I don’t know what will affect you at that time. I have already told Huasheng and let her Find it separately from me."

When Feng Xi said this, with some sarcasm, the corners of her mouth also sneered.

She really didn't expect that one day, she and her grandfather would have such a day?

From a young age, she respected Feng Wuming the most, and she took Feng Wuming as an example.

If things like this hadn't happened today, Feng Xi would still not change her mind. Even if she heard about Feng Wuxian, she would not think there was any problem with Grandpa's practices back then.

After all, it is really helpless.

"You are already like this, do you still need to ask me? Isn't it all obvious?"

Feng Wuming looked at Feng Xi's expression, can't you say that you feel uncomfortable? But it is very uncomfortable and sad.

No one can understand what he does, and he doesn't need to be understood by others. He always has some regrets. He is greedy and wants to make up for the regrets, but he makes mistakes again and again.

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