Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3323: : I will help you

"It's just that you have seen it too, and they are all dead, because they are not. They have seen me. Then I can only treat it as a conjecture. I also need to grow."

"You know, back then, I was expelled because of my cultivating evil spirits, but now it comes in handy. Only by sucking my soul can I better adapt to Xuanwu's body."

"Now it is even more directly integrated with Xuanwu. I will continue to look for it. Do you want to stop me? I wanted to kill all those who harmed me, but they are all dead. That is their offspring, I Also kill, these are the two things I have to do, will you also stop me?"

Feng Wumian watched Feng Wuming waiting for his answer.

He didn't conceal the whole story. It can be seen how many cities he is.

As for what Feng Wuming wants to do, it's up to him.

Even those words Feng Wuming said, what kind of compromise, how could Feng Wumian care now?

It doesn't matter anymore.

"If you want to live, I will help you, if you want to find someone, I will help you too."

"As for those enemies, in fact, there is really no need to find them. There is basically nothing left. They are all gone. The only thing that counts as okay is the Ling family. It's just that the Ling family was neutral at the beginning, even if it is not neutral. No need to look for it. Few younger generations will inherit..."

"But if you want to kill, I will stop it."

"I didn't see these today. I will redeem the sins of these people. You are alive, but stop here, brother, okay?"

"You can't forget your dream back then? What are you now?"

Feng Wuming's face is full of wrinkles, and his voice is also an old man. Looking at Feng Wumian, he is also bitter.

According to their current appearance, it is said that Feng Wuming is believed by his father, who calls him his age.

And Feng Wuming is also serious, this is the best way he can think of, it depends on how Feng Wumian did it.

As for this, Feng Wuming also thought of a solution...

"Are you serious?"

"I want to live well and find Le Yu's reincarnation. You will help me? As for those enemies, if they are like you said, then forget it..."

Feng Wumian seemed to agree with him, and nodded solemnly. As for the arrogant tone when he spoke just now, he disappeared.

It seems to be feasible.

"Really, I lied to you just like you didn't lie to me."

Feng Wuming watched Feng Wumian's clothes soften, and he was immediately relieved. He knew that his brother would not be uncontrollable, let alone make mistakes again and again.

Then he stretched out his hand and wanted to leave with Feng Wumian and find a good place for him.

If you want to live well, of course you can't be wronged.

But when Feng Wuming stretched out his hand, Feng Wumian's complexion suddenly changed, and a pitch-black sharp hand hit Feng Wuming's chest.

Suddenly Feng Wuming didn't evade in time, and the soul's body trembled.

The whole soul is in pain.

Feng Wuming clutched the body hit by his brother, and looked at Feng Wuxian incredulously.

Since childhood, he has never been beaten by Feng Wuxian...

"How can the soul have no heart? No wonder such words are said."

"What kind of eyes are you? Feng Wuming, you take everything to me, what righteousness is you telling me now? Forget it? Are you planning to find a place for me to make a living? What about those who hurt me? Want them to fend for themselves? You are so stupid to make people distressed and hateful!"

"I tell you, because you are my brother, I won't kill you, so hurry up, don't block my way, or don't say that I don't care about brotherhood."

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