Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3325: : Catch yourself



The small confined and small space, which had nothing to do with it, became even more dilapidated by the fight between two people.

Basically everything is gone.

The only bronze mirror is also thanks to Feng Wumian's fast hand, otherwise nothing really remains.

It was just after a fight, when Feng Wumian found out that his brother was merciful everywhere? He didn't use his full strength at all, and even forced him out of the cave.

"What on earth do you want to do?"

Feng Wumian received his mana, and his hand changed back to his normal appearance. Of course, it was also his most normal appearance now. No matter what, he couldn't change back to his former appearance.

It's just that these hands have changed back, which also shows that Feng Wumian doesn't want to fight anymore. He still has some conscience. Since he doesn't want to fight at all, he doesn't want to take advantage of others.

After all, it is because of brothers.

Even if you really forget, the blood relationship will always remind yourself.

"I will help you, help you find people, enemies, lovers, I will help you, but you can't kill people anymore. If you continue, I can't stop anyone. This night is my last ability."

"You have killed too many people, and you can't keep it for a few days. Now there are two gods hiding in the human world. They will not allow anything that affects the human world to appear."

"While they haven't taken any action, you go first, and the rest, I will help you, I can control myself, I will not continue to kill, and the goal will be smaller..."

When Feng Wuming said this, he felt like he was getting older for a moment.

Even if the soul has stayed in his old moment, he can return to his young age, but he prefers the current state.

Always remind yourself that it is no longer the original one, and some decisions cannot be impulsive.

He does not regret what he did in the past, and he will still choose this way once again, and will not give up his brother.

And all the things behind this matter, he will do it and will bear it.

It's not terrible to bear, but what's terrible is that his brother doesn't appreciate it.

Feng Wuming is already ready, he will take it all and count it on himself, which is also the consequence of his action back then.

"Are you crazy? You have to count this on yourself? Why? Just because I am your brother? That little blood kinship?"

"Don't you find it ridiculous? Or do you think I will believe you?"

"You did this for the Feng family, right? Worried that I tarnished the reputation of the Feng family? I have checked before that. It is indeed not easy for the Feng family to be passed down for thousands of years. In my hand, this is where I will end up. Now, in order to keep going, you would rather catch up with yourself? I really don’t know what to say about you."

"For the Feng Family, you can really contribute, but are you worrying too much? I was no longer a member of the Feng Family decades ago, and the family tree of the Feng Family does not have mine, so you are afraid What is it? You can't admit it."

Feng Wumian subconsciously didn't want Feng Wuming to participate. He had done these things very well. How could he count them like that now?

And he is not a fool, all counted on Feng Wuming, who became an innocent person?

In the end, is it still to be restrained by him? He doesn't want it.

It makes more sense to do things like revenge.

"Whatever you think, listen to you, you don't know what the world is like now, you just think I am for the Feng Family. If you say this, will you still believe me?"

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