Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3330: : Successive silence

"Go back, Feng Xi, what you worry about will not happen, I will watch it."

Feng Qingcheng looked at Feng Xi's uneasy, heavy look, and felt a little distressed. She counted too many things on herself.

If it weren't the case, Feng Xi wouldn't be like this, the whole person couldn't accept this, restless, after all, she was a little girl worried about her family.

Feng Qingcheng really feels distressed.

I hope she can put it down a little bit. In her own days, even though Feng Qingcheng is indifferent to life and death, it's just different in the eyes of mortals. If you die, you are dead.

The first life of a mortal is too short. Feng Xi has also experienced this life that many people can't experience in a few lifetimes. It's enough. It's better to enjoy the rest of life.

"Ancestor? You really don't want me to take care of it? What about you? Just assume this didn't happen? What do you mean?"

"How can it..."

Feng Xi was a little unacceptable to Feng Qingcheng's point of view, really unacceptable.

When can the Feng family put innocent people here!

This has completely violated the original Feng Family's ancestral motto, is it really because the longer the inheritance, the more rotten?

After Feng Xi finished speaking for a long time, Feng Qingcheng's silence was exchanged. She did not answer this time, just looking at Feng Xi.

Finally shook his head helplessly, said nothing, sighed, turned and disappeared, and threw Fengxi here.

From Feng Qingcheng's point of view, Feng Xi can't hear anything now, and it's useless to say more. Let her calm down. Feng Qingcheng will still do what she says.

As for whether she would tell Bai Ran, Feng Qingcheng felt that it didn't matter whether she said it or not, because it would not affect her husband and wife relationship with Bai Ran.

There is only a husband and wife relationship between her and Bai Ran, there is no ruler and minister, so needless to say, if the day is really there, there will be no need for the ruler and ministers to love, there is nothing to say.

Therefore, Feng Qingcheng can see clearly that there is no secret between her and her husband. If you say it or not, the husband will stand by her side, let alone conceal it. Bai Ran is not a fool and can't hide it at all.

Of course, Feng Qingcheng didn't want to hide either.

And Feng Xi watched Feng Qingcheng really leave like this, and she couldn't accept it for a while.

After a long silence, he walked to the Ten Mile Spring Breeze in despair, and did not even reply to Qin Wanyu's news.

Feng Xi really didn't know what to do, maybe she had to look for Hua Sheng, and her narration was almost over. Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu were silent after hearing Feng Xi's words.

As for Feng Xi's physical condition, Feng Xi didn't say that some things are really not something everyone needs to know.

"What's the matter with you? Silence? What's the matter..."

"What am I going to do now? How come it's like this, A Sheng, you said, what have we never met before? What hasn't been solved before, now such an innocent person who kills innocent people indiscriminately and uses evil devil's methods is impossible. "

After Feng Xi finished speaking, when she picked up Jiang Xinrui's rose tea and left, she felt a little warm in her heart. The little girl would offer different kinds of tea to different people to ensure that the other party's body and mind would be refreshed.

It's just that Fengxi's comfort is a bit heavy now.

"Feng Xi, don't you think what Feng Qingcheng said...makes sense?"

Hua Sheng looked at Feng Xi and listened to her words. He was in a state of anxiety, but he slowly relaxed. Looking at Feng Xi's appearance, Hua Sheng thought...

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