Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3332: : What's the twist?

"We can't change what has happened, can we?"

"Besides, in recent years, have we seen few innocent people?"

Hua Sheng raised his head and looked at Feng Xi who was getting up angrily, and calmed down softly.

She knew that Feng Xi was stuck in a dead end and couldn't get out, but this was only temporary, and it would become clear soon.

Feng Xi also needs someone to lead her.

I don't know if it was Hua Sheng's words that touched Feng Xi, or Feng Xi thought of something himself. When Hua Sheng finished saying this, Feng Xi was really stunned and his expression was stunned.

There was already a lot of red blood in his eyes, and Feng Xi stared at Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu with such a pair of eyes, without a word for a long time.

Have you seen too few?

Are there many?

Why did A Sheng become so numb?

Innocent people, how can death become so numb?

Or did Hua Sheng really see too much?

It’s just that in Feng Xi’s memory, it’s not like that. Whether it’s her or Hua Sheng, both are very kind. There are more than twenty people, there is no feeling of death...

"I need to calm down and go back first... Maybe you are right. I made a fuss. In fact, I should be very clear. Now even if I want to control, I can't control it. Everyone is gone. My grandpa escorted me. How to find it, the ancestors of Qingcheng are not one-and-a-half better than me, I'd better fight."

After Feng Xi was stunned, his expression couldn't say anything. In short, it was very heavy, as if he was dragging his body away.

And Feng Xi didn't respond regardless of what Hua Sheng said to Jiang Liu, let alone Hua Sheng sent her off.

It's just that Fengxi looks like this, how can Hua Sheng rest assured?

In case something happens again, Hua Sheng is afraid that it will really collapse.

"Qin Wanyu was outside, he never came in, Feng Xi didn't tell him, he thought it was Feng Xi didn't want to talk about it, after all, it was something inside Feng's family this time, it was a bit sensitive, Qin Wanyu had some worries and stayed outside Wait for him."

"After Fengxi came in for a while, he arrived, and when Fengxi went out, he could just meet him. I think these two people are the same, so don't pass."

"I don't know what is twisting..."

Jiang Liu watched Hua Sheng want to follow, stretched out his hand, and then showed Hua Sheng the text message from Qin Wanyu.

Maybe Qin Wanyu doesn't want to know too much, so he can't say anything, right?

It's just that Feng Xi wouldn't hide the appearance of people around him, it shouldn't be.

Jiang Liu didn't know anything about the family's affairs, and didn't plan to figure it out. Seeing his wife's anxious look, Jiang Liu was also a little helpless.

The hardest thing in the past was that the enemy was too strong, and sometimes when it was too strong to do anything, Jiang Liu really didn't want to remember that kind of powerlessness.

Only now, they have become strong, thinking that they can finally protect their family members, so that they will not be so powerless, and it turns out that it is even more difficult to attack their hearts...

Just like the Feng Family’s problem this time, it’s actually not difficult. Finding that person, that is, Feng Wumian killed him directly. The quickest solution is to avenge those innocent people.

Rebirth for them is impossible, but revenge is okay.

The only embarrassment is that this is also equivalent to Feng Xi’s elders. She is not easy to shoot. Hua Sheng, whether it is because of Feng Xi or doing whatever she wants in Jiangcheng, she should do it, but now Feng’s own bigger elders shoot. Then it's no longer Huasheng's turn...

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