Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3334: : Playground Pie

At the same time, the little padded jacket that Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu talked about was in the playground!

That's right, it's a playground.

Originally saw a little purple light on the second floor of the Spring Breeze, Jiang Xinrui knew that there was no one other than Chifeng. Although she was very arrogant on the surface, she was still a little bit happy in her heart.

Jiang Xinrui has always been worried about him since the last time they met in the Demon Realm, and the family still don't know what Chi Feng is.

While both of them were busy at this meeting, Jiang Xinrui pretended to be cold and went over to take a look.

What I was thinking about was simply taking a look at it. If Chi Feng didn't want to say it, she wouldn't force it.

Only after the two people met, Chi Feng apologized very directly, and then asked her if she had been to the playground?

Chi Feng didn't know where to get a way to improve the relationship. Girls like to go to the playground. As long as they go to the playground to play, all the troubles and anger are gone.

Knowing that Jiang Xinrui must be angry with him, Chi Feng is also a little anxious. Although he is a little sorry for his parents' thoughts in his heart, in Chi Feng's heart, he still hopes to be friends with Jiang Xinrui.

The ease between them, he didn't want to be affected by other emotions, but also because he knew his physique, Chi Feng thought, it may be difficult for him to contact new friends in the future.

When Chi Feng asked Jiang Xinrui about having been to the playground, Jiang Xinrui was silent...

Jiang Xinrui wanted to get colder for Chi Feng’s oncoming apology. After all, when it was ten miles of spring breeze just now, Jiang Xinrui was a little bit stunned. She felt that he hadn’t come to tell her for several days and she was worried. what.

Said it was a good friend.

It's just that Chi Feng made an apology if she didn't say anything. Jiang Xinrui was really uncomfortable. When she was about to say it was okay, she asked her if she had been to the playground?

To be honest, Jiang Xinrui has never been!

As for why I haven't been there, it's actually very easy to understand. Jiang Xinrui knows how their family came here in the past few years. She doesn't seem to have experienced how normal cubs live in the human world for a few days.

The prince said many times before that he would take her, but the spring breeze has never stopped for ten miles, and Jiang Xinrui did not beg Hua Sheng like a child, but Jiang Liu took it with him.

And Hua Sheng, Jiang Liu seems to have forgotten the playground...

"I haven't been, have you been? Is there a playground in the Demon Realm?"

It was precisely because of Jiang Xinrui's words that the other side Chi Feng stretched out and took Jiang Xinrui to the biggest playground in Jiangcheng!

This is why Jiang Xinrui and Chi Feng are in the playground.

"Do you still know the playground of the human world? Have you been here?"

Jiang Xinrui looked at the huge Ferris wheel with a look of yearning. Girls may be naturally attractive to these things. I have seen pictures before. At that time Jiang Xinrui thought it didn't matter, it was just a trick of fooling children.

But when she did see it, she was still looking forward to it...

Then turned to look at Chi Feng and asked.

Jiang Xinrui did not believe that Chi Feng had actually played a Ferris wheel?

Is the devil so magical?

"There is no playground in the Demon Realm. Of course, only the Human Realm has these folk pyrotechnics."

"Although I haven't done it, I haven't eaten pork and haven't seen a pig run? I have seen a lot of people in the human world. Since you haven't done it, let's be together. I want to try every time I see it. Try everything in it, right?"

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