Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3336: : Somewhat lost

Jiang Xinrui felt that there was something wrong with it, and wanted to get rid of these pictures.

The result was misunderstood. Before she waited to say anything, she heard Chi Feng say more and more...

The most important thing is that Jiang Xinrui couldn't hear what Chi Feng was saying. The signal her brain received was that the voice was so nice...

Sounds beautiful...

How could it sound so good...

How can this be described?

It's as pleasing as an ethereal flute, with the melodious clearness like a stream of water hitting a rock, and the moisturizing and refreshing spleen like the entrance of a clear spring...

"shut up!"

"Stop talking, turn your face away!"

When Jiang Xinrui was thinking about it in her heart, her eyes suddenly changed, and she shouted at the other party Chifeng.

Then she stretched out her hand and pushed Chi Feng's face over, she could no longer look at it, let alone hear his voice.

She must be something wrong, otherwise how could she be like this?

So this is not her.

Chifeng is a member of the Demon Realm, and I have always heard that the Demon Realm is best at bewitching people's hearts. Before, Chifeng was a young man, but now it hasn't been a few years from adulthood, so now he has begun to show his abilities intentionally or unconsciously.

It must be like this, otherwise, when she was a child, why didn't she feel this way? At best, she thinks this boy looks like a girl...

"What...what's wrong?"


No matter what Jiang Xinrui thinks, Chi Feng is now stunned.

Why did he turn around suddenly?

Forget it, don't let him talk?

Didn't forgive him still, it's hard to balance in his heart?

At this point, Chi Feng felt that he could still understand. When he was angry with Third Uncle before, even if Third Uncle came to apologize, he was also angry. Just like this time, Third Uncle's words are not allowed...

"Have you cultivated any new exercises recently?"

"I'll give you a comment. I think it's very powerful. You don't need to do it on the battlefield in the future. You can try it yourself. It should have a great effect. This can also reduce casualties the most..."

"Also, can you beautify with this technique? Or is it my illusion, why you seem to be getting better and better...and more handsome?"

Jiang Xinrui looked at Chi Feng being pushed over by him, and was a little bit aggrieved not to turn her head, feeling a little embarrassed. After all, it was a matter of concentration, so Chi Feng could not be blamed.

So quickly flatter and make up for it, but in her heart she really feels that Chi Feng's practice is very good.

As for the last compliment, thanks to her changing her words quickly, it would be wrong. She knew what Chi Feng cared about the most, and of course it was impossible to touch this brow.

I don't want Chi Feng to be unhappy because of his looks. This has always been his heart disease.

"I... I didn't fix anything..."

"Then you still want to play? If you really don't like it, I'll send you back."

Chi Feng's tone was a little low, and she didn't want Jiang Xinrui to see it, still with a smiling face, just about to turn her head, remembering Jiang Xinrui's words, not to turn her head, and remember not to speak, but now she must speak.

So the sound is very small.

Originally, Chi Feng didn't understand what Jiang Xinrui said. Later, he understood what Jiang Xinrui said. Thinking of his physique, Chi Feng also realized that he was getting better and better.

Fortunately, he will be able to reach adulthood soon, the body will not continue to grow, and facial changes will stop...

Thinking of this, I remembered that I still shouldn't stay outside for too long, thinking that since Jiang Xinrui really didn't like it, then go back.

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