Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3338: : Suddenly interrupted

Jiang Xinrui took a little bit of effort from the conductor's sister to get the ticket. This young lady was already immersed in the beauty of the two of them and couldn't help herself, Jiang Xinrui understood.

After all, a Chifeng has almost lost her spiritual cultivation power, let alone an ordinary person, and now that she is added, the result must be a little shocking.

But Jiang Xinrui didn't think it had anything to do with her. When she came out before, she was praised for being beautiful, far from reaching this point...

Looking at the people around, taking pictures of Chi Feng from time to time, Jiang Xinrui knew that she was not a gaffe just now.

Some people have already looked straight...

Jiang Xinrui was a little unhappy, thinking otherwise, next time Chi Feng will wear a mask, as long as he wants to.

Then she explained to the conductor who praised him for being beautiful. She knew that Chi Feng didn't like being said to be beautiful. She turned her head and looked at Chi Feng carefully, worried that she would see his uncomfortable look again.

Fortunately, Chi Feng seemed to have no expression, as if he was completely immersed in an accident where the money in his hands could not be spent...

"Let's go, Chifeng?"

"Just collect your money. It's also very valuable. It's just not circulated on the market."

"Don't look, look at the scenery of Jiangcheng."

Jiang Xinrui took Chi Feng and ran to the Ferris wheel, which happened to be empty. Jiang Xinrui was also quick-eyed and took Chi Feng, who was still unable to let go, and sat in.

And when Jiang Xinrui and Chi Feng walked in, two people came in behind him again. Jiang Xinrui didn't pay attention either. This was for everyone to play together, and she didn't have the habit of chartering.

As for Chi Feng, there is nothing more.

Fortunately, the other party did not pay much attention to them.

"You said this thing is valuable, is it true? Then why didn't she just want it and couldn't buy a ticket?"

Chi Feng really didn't understand, and at the same time he was a little embarrassed. How could he be a boy to let a girl entertain? And when his third uncle gave it to him, it was quite heroic, how could it not be used?

Actually, this can’t be blamed on Fengying. When he traveled in the human world, it was hundreds of years ago. At that time, silver was really usable. It’s been too long in a blink of an eye. How can Fengying think of the human world to update? too fast……

"My brother, why are you still thinking about it? It's all over, and it's hard to come out for a walk, don't waste time, okay? Didn't I say it, it's not in circulation now, this thing is an antique at the moment. Do you know? Of course they can't accept it."

"People only need cash, or scan the QR code, swipe the card..."

Jiang Xinrui whispered in Chi Feng's ear.

Because there are others here, naturally you should speak quietly so as not to be embarrassed. The other party thinks they are crazy.

It's just this sudden close contact. Jiang Xinrui looked at Chi Feng's full earlobe. It was fleshy. At the beginning, it was still a little red, and then it became more and more red...

Jiang Xinrui thought, is this itchy?

Because you talk too close?

Seeing it's weird and cute, it seems like a pinch, thinking like this in my heart, I just did it.

Jiang Xinrui raised her hand and stretched it over. When she raised her hand, Chi Feng seemed to feel it, she became more nervous, her body became stiff, and she didn't even dare to breathe, and her ears became redder.

Chi Feng couldn't care about the unreliable third uncle this time, and his brain was blank.

Just when Jiang Xinrui was about to touch...

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