Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3346: : I want to apologize too

Jiang Xinrui took out her phone, typed a line of characters cracklingly, and then looked at Yu Qilin and others.

And Jiang Xinrui's words are very simple, "I ran into Yu Qilin outside, and she wants to come over."

After saying this, Jiang Xinrui looked at Jiang Liu's good words, and directly invited the other party.

Regarding Yu Qilin's words, Jiang Xinrui felt that she was right. The human world is very interesting, but it may be the natural intuition of a girl, which sounds weird no matter how you hear it.

So Jiang Xinrui didn't want to say anything.

Why do you live so long and talk so "interesting?"

It may be that there are too many things to see.

Jiang Xinrui thought.

"And Brother Nangong? If you have time, let's go together and sit down in the Spring Breeze. It should have been a long time since you."

"I just thought that your name was a little familiar, and I didn't remember it for a while. When my mother gave birth to my brother, she was a little weak, but you were protecting me. This kindness, I only heard my mother mention it when I grew up. Our family is very grateful."

Jiang Xinrui didn't bother to pay attention to Yu Qilin's words, anyway, if she wanted to go, then go, with her help, it can indeed save a lot of trouble, as long as the mother's troubles can be solved, Jiang Xinrui is really grateful.

After all, one yard goes to one yard, Jiang Xinrui is not a person who doesn't know how to be grateful.

It was also because of thinking clearly that Jiang Xinrui didn't feel awkward anymore, and then paid attention to the other person opposite, the one who hadn't opened her mouth to speak.

It was the first time Jiang Xinrui saw Nangong Liuyue, but it did not prevent her from hearing the other's name. Of course, it wasn't just that Bai Ran mentioned it at noon today.

Instead, I heard that my mother and Aunt Feng Xi had talked about things that year. Although Hua Sheng was reluctant to mention it, he had missed it when chatting with Aunt Feng Xi.

Jiang Xinrui also knew.

My mother didn't want to mention it because she didn't want to recall the pain of losing her eldest brother, but the gratitude is still there.

Since she met and knew the past of the year, she couldn't be ignorant of it.

Aunt Feng Xi uses the honorific name for Nangong Liuyue. After all, in terms of seniority, Nangong Liuyue is the junior of Uncle Bairan, and she is not much younger than Aunt Feng Xi, much different.

In addition to the grace of maintenance back then, although he also pulled out some peach blossom debts, Jiang Xinrui knew that it had nothing to do with Nangong Liuyue.

He never gave any response to Aunt Jasmine.

This matter was the last time the Tuttle incident occurred. Jiang Xinrui knew the reason for Jasmine's betrayal, and she was a little puzzled, so she asked Feng Xi, and Feng Xi just missed it...

"Miss Jiang doesn't have to be so polite, call me Liuyue, besides, when taking care of your mother back then, I also accepted the instructions of the fox emperor back then, which is not a kindness."

"But it's really been a long time since I saw your mother. If it is convenient, I would like to pay a visit."

Nangong Liuyue watched Jiang Xinrui suddenly change her name, and pointed out her "invisible person". Naturally, he couldn't pretend not to hear it.

Besides, he still really wants to see Hua Sheng, so he apologizes for nothing else.

In fact, almost all of the things that happened in the ten-mile spring breeze in the last stage are known.

One is because Shili Chunfeng does not avoid people, and the other is because Shili Chunfeng has eyes, of course, it does not mean to monitor, but after all, Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu's identity is too incredible, and they are respected...

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