Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3348: : It's reasonable

Regarding Jiang Xinrui's words, Chi Feng naturally has feelings, no matter where he goes, his eyes are all like him...

In fact, when I say I like it, I have exercised some restraint. It should be said that I am obsessed.

It's somewhat troublesome, so after thinking about it, wearing a mask should be able to restrain it.

But Chi Feng didn't expect that one day in the future, he would still be grateful for his appearance.

But the jade unicorn on the side couldn't understand it.

She looked at Chi Feng because of Jiang Xinrui's words, and she wanted to wrong herself?

Even disgusted by Jiang Xinrui?

How could Jiang Xinrui be like this?

This time of more than an hour, the blow to Yu Qilin was really too great.

"Actually, it doesn't matter. You are handsome. Everyone likes it. You will be amazing the first time. You will also like it twice. But after a long time, it doesn't matter. You don't have to be wronged and cover your face."

"Furthermore, even if Chi Feng's appearance is concealed, your temperament is difficult to conceal, and it will still attract everyone's attention."

"There is no need to do anything extra."

Yu Qilin looked at Chi Feng's aggrieved and lost expression, thinking that Jiang Xinrui dismissed him as a trouble and uncomfortable, and felt even more uncomfortable.

Naturally speaking for Chi Feng.

But Yu Qilin didn't know, what Chifeng really felt wronged was that the day trip to the playground was interrupted...

"In other places, it’s not like the people around, staring at it all the time, which is unpleasant. Only in the human world is the worst. Moreover, the human world has a short lifespan. I am afraid that they will not be there when they get used to it. A new life has begun."

"If you come back to the Human World, still take it with you, so as not to have trouble."

Chi Feng heard Yu Qilin's sincere and careful comforting words, somewhat inexplicable, and understood that she was kind, but really felt that it was different from what she said.

After Chi Feng said this, he directly sent Jiang Xinrui to the human world.

Since Aunt Huasheng has sent someone to pick him up, don't delay time because of him.

It's just that Chi Feng didn't see what Yu Qilin said to him, which was very embarrassing.

People are uneasy to sit and stand, but jade unicorns are uneasy to stand.

She felt that Chi Feng's words clearly meant that she was nosy...

Is co-authoring her the trouble?

"Hehe... Sister Yu is right."

"Chi Feng is also reasonable..."

"Then let's go back first."

Jiang Xinrui stood up and interrupted everyone's thoughts, and then got into the car.

She really wants to go home now. She always feels that talking is inexplicable. She really doesn't want to deal with it.

Leave it to her parents.

Because it was a human being, Nangong Liuyue and Yu Qilin didn't bother, they got into the car directly, although it was faster to cast spells directly now.

Chi Feng didn't follow. After watching Jiang Xinrui leave, he turned and walked in the other direction.

"Sister, should I play with you for a while?"

"I've seen these things for the first time."

After Chi Feng's words fell, Wan Feng walked out slowly, but her breath was still hidden, and her body was invisible. Once Chi Feng had a problem with her, she still had a chance to do something.

Because she didn't need to show her to others, Wanfeng didn't change her clothes, but her usual clothes.

In fact, Chi Feng has always felt that her sister's length is not bad, it is really not bad, but with Chi Feng's background, she is a little faint. In addition, Wanfeng is dressed again as a man.

It is also a handsome brother to make people look at.

No matter Chi Feng feels that her sister will have a different temperament if she changes her dress...

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