Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 333: : Begging

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how to say? Hua Zhenyue likes Zhang Qian and loves this little wife, but she did not intend to make her pregnant.

First, because the daughters of the Hua family have grown up, the company itself has no real power.

The second reason is that the illegitimate child’s future is unknown. If the child is exposed in the future, the Chinese family will definitely be turned upside down, and he will not have a peaceful day.

Zhang Qian: Husband, why not talk? Are you upset?

Hua Zhenyue: Qianqian, I have more than 50 years old, and if I have children, I will be laughed at.

Zhang Qian: You are more than fifty, but I am more than thirty. I can’t be without children. You just look after yourself. Besides, who will know? Can we just hide it? Are you afraid that my child will divide your property?

Listening to Zhang Qian getting angry, Huazhen Yue hurriedly coaxed, "What are you talking about? Not so much, a child can't spend much money, even if you don't have children, I don't treat you wrong, do I? I just think this child is coming Is not suitable."

Zhang Qian: Since you said that, you can do it well, but husband, do you really not want your son? Take a look at the rich and powerful households in Jiangcheng, which has no son to inherit the family business? No matter how good your aunt is, he is also an outsider. Are you really willing? The future really comes to the bottom, how do you see the patriarchs of the Hua family? "

Zhang Qian had to say that she was very clever. When it came to the idea, Hua Zhenyue's only regret in recent years was that she had no son.

Donghuaxiwang Nanxie Xie Beijiang, in addition to the Hua family, which of them does not have sons to inherit?

Seeing that Huazhen Yue did not say anything, Zhang Qian chased after the victory, "Husband, otherwise, let's leave this child first, and wait for four months to see the gender, if it is a boy, if it is a girl, I will Surgery to remove it, okay? In case it is a son, this has fulfilled your wish for many years."

Hua Zhenyue: will hurt you when you take it out in four months. I'm a little worried about your body.

Zhang Qian was very happy to hear him say, "My husband is okay, I am willing to do anything for you, I really love you, and I want to give you a child, belong to our children, you can rest assured that I will not Let him fight with his sisters."

Hua Zhenyue: Hey, it’s too early to say, tomorrow I’ll go over to discuss with you, you take a break early.

Huazhen Yue was a little confused. She originally planned to wait until she was old, and went to Huazhi with her wife to retire in a mansion in Australia. The beautiful scenery abroad is pleasant.

He knew in his heart that Hua Feng and Hua Qing could not be expected, and Hua Lin and Hua Sheng did not have a deep affection for him.

Now that Zhang Qian is pregnant, he suddenly has other plans, but he does not plan to go abroad, thinking that Wan Yiqian is really destined to have a son, and he is always happy to have a son. Then he will find a way to give Zhang Qian Mother and son can set up some family business, even if they cannot recognize their ancestors, they can at least have a stable place. If it goes well, his wife died earlier than he did. He can even leave the house to spend the rest of his life with Zhang Qian and her mother... Ideals are always full, but reality is always very backbone, he is only thinking about a better life He completely forgot whether his several daughters could tolerate the existence of this unborn child, especially the two sisters Huafeng and Huaqing. That means it is not ordinary poison.

The next morning, Hua Zhenyue didn't eat breakfast, drove Bentley away from home hurriedly, and went to Zhang Qian's residence.

After seeing the pregnancy test stick, I was sure that I was pregnant.

"Husband, what do you think about it? I'll wait for you to say, if you really don't want to stay, I will go to the hospital for surgery now, and I won't drag you down." Zhang Qian's eyes were red when he said these words , The voice is also gentle and gentle, generally men will have compassion overflowing, not to mention Hua Zhenyue or begging people?

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